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Adhitsnetwork is a Revenue Sharing Advertising Platform that offers a unique solution to its members to advertise and earn at the same time!AHN Each Ad Pack costs $2 and Expires at $3!

The Adhitsnetwork - Ad Pack provides advertising credits in the form of banner and text ads.

Banner Ads: Members receive 1,500 banner ad credits per Ad Pack that they purchase and can promote standard size banners for their business or referral link which are displayed on the Adhitsnetwork website.

Text Ads: Members receive1,500 text ad credits per Ad Pack that they purchase and can promote 4 line text-ads for their business or referral link* which are displayed on the Adhitsnetwork website.

Every time new ad packs are purchased 100% of the sales revenue are shared equally among the previously sold active ad packs. Additionally, 100% of all other revenues (as mentioned below) are added to the revenue share pool and eventually split among all active ad packs.

Revenue Streams for Adhitsnetwork:

Simply purchase your directory listing for $2 and receive top listing and 1,500 visitors to your website.

NO REFERRING REQUIRED To Receive Revenue Shares but If you Refer As a FREE MEMBER Earn 5% Referral Commissions 2 Levels - 3%, 2% and as a Paid Member Earn 20% Referral Commissions - 3 Levels - 12%, 5% & 3%. THIS IS HUGE MONEY. .d In Your $2 Purchase).

No Referring Required To Receive Revenue Shares But Should you refer you earn 20%
3 level referals bonus 12%,5% 3% Included in your 2$ purchase

Each $2 Revenue Share Spot Earns You $3 Every Second ie,is: 150% !!
Upgraded Members Earn 20% Referral Commissions - 3 Levels (( 12%, 5% & 3% )) !!
FREE MEMBERS Earn 5% Referral Commissions - 2 Levels (( 3%, 2% )) !!
FREE Members Can Either Cash Out Or Upgrade !!
Paid Members Receive Quality Advertising Services !!
NO Surfing to Earn !!
NO Log-in Necessary (( Auto Repurchase Feature For Shares Can Be Enabled )) !!
100% Of Additional Advertising Purchased Shared Among Members TOO !!

STP,EGOPAY &PM Accepted !!