I'm not an Admin and not the Creator of this project.
Start date
August 1, 2013 at 0100 GMT

Good or bad ...
Right or left ...
Black or white ...

People are always between two ways, the choice of two roads.
What is the path he chooses?
It is up to him.

But often in life there is a third way.
Not good or bad, but something in between.
Not right or left, but forward. Not black or white, but gray ...
Our project HAS NOT halftone!
Here is a specific choice.
Or black. Or white.
Either the Black Cat, or White Cat.
Choose your mascot and make bet on it.

Good luck!


1. Plan Black Cat

150% 72 hours, contribution from$ 50 up to$1000

2. Plan White Cat

200% for 120 hours, contribution from 5$ to 1000$

Referral program: 7%
Benefits: Instant
E-currency: Perfect Money


Conclusion: ANY TIME

13:45 01.08.13 Transfer 29552574 U4995***
BW Cats -50.25 Sent Payment 50.00 USD to account U4995***. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Make deposit.