I am not owner/admin.
Start: Jun 20th, 2013
Features: DDoS protection, SSL encryption, Dedicated server/IP, Unique script

About HYIP (machine translation):
Alfa-Invest provides wealth management services to high-yield investment market Forex. We have created the most intuitive user interface for all investors.
Investment Plans: 1% - 4% daily for 10 - 30 days
Principal Return: Yes
Charging: 7 days in week

Minimal Spend: $31
Maximal Spend: No Limit
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
Payment systems: Perfect Money

Our investment:
Date : 07/12/2013 00:24
From/To Account : U3114660
Amount : -31.00
Currency : USD
Batch : 27327099
Memo : Sent Payment 31.00 USD to account U3114660. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. ?Y???????»???µ?????µ N?N‡?µN‚?°.
Payment ID : 80

Payment received:
Date : 07/13/2013 17:30
From/To Account : U3114660
Amount : 1.25
Currency : USD
Batch : 27499163
Memo : Вывод процентов alpha-invest.org

Link: http://alpha-invest.org/