We are selling Hyip, Forex investors, Hybrid and matrix Investors, Traffic exchange Investors Email database.
All database are collected from Many Software engineers client list database.
Many email ids are users from Liberty reserve, Perfect money, Payza, Webmoney, Ego pay, Cash you and Many E-currency user.
Many email ids are collected from Hyip forums.
Many database are collected from Admin panels of hyip companies.

All database are genuine and unique...

No fake Email ids
(87% Email ids are very genuine, Remaining 3% Would be repeated database and 10% Emails should be terminated or expired)

Total Number of database:
Hyip database / Forex Investors: 300,000

Countries are: Russia, Croatia, Philippines, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Australia, Russia, Ireland, Ukraine, Slovakia,
Bangladesh, Finland, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, South Africa, Denmark, Malaysia, Portugal, India, Vietnam, Czech,
Republic, Nigeria, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Italy, Brazil, Germany, China.

We have 3 Package:
1. Buy 500,00 Hyip email database for just $15.
2. Buy 100,000 Hyip email database for just $25
3. buy 300,000 Hyip email database for just $50.

Best Discounts Available.

To buy this Promotion package, You can email us at hyipemaildatabase @ gmail . com

We are genuine and started best hyip admin helping support.

To buy database please Email us at : hyipemaildatabase @gmail . com

Thank you.