Our trading accounts is registred in a small offshore country to avoid any taxes and useless paper work. We use special semi-automated trading software and over 10 years of hard expirience to make up to 400% profit per month trading on FOREX. Although method is related with high risk and heavy deposit load we learned how to successfully control this issues during last two years. Also we create and implement uniqe technology of funds management that utilizes some Ponzi scheme elements to provide maximum flexibility for us (traders) and ULTRA FAST* payments to our partners.

LIGHT (min 1$ max 300$) - 1.2% daily for 20 calendar days

STARTER (min 301$ max 2500$) - 1.5% daily for 35 calendar days

PROFESSIONAL (min 2501$ max 5000$) 1.9% daily for 60 calendar days

INFINITE (min 5001$ max 15000$) 2.4% daily for 80 calendar days

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Licensed Script
Registrar eNom, Inc. (R39-LROR)
Accept: PM, STP, EG

Join here: https://infinite-profit.org/