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How Can We Pay The Investor & Survive In This Business?

We only offer interest according to our ability to pay investors.
We use human power for maximum security. Fund set up by a team.
Our website based on custom scripts.
Matrix System for referral.
We have a unique & clear MLM concept (How it works)
We have interesting investment plan opportunity (6%-6.5% weekly for 50 weeks, 1.2% daily for 100 days, and donation plan to the poor community conducted largely through UNICEF.
We have The Cisco® Anomaly Guard DDOS site protection for website protection
Our connection encrypted with Comodo SSL Layer Technology High-Grade-Encryption (AES-256, 256 bit keys)
We have realtime matrix balance in member area
The maxs balance in matrix system is $ 1,258,290
Source of funding comes from 4 sources: forex market, the profit matrix, other investment sources and our own funds.

Investment Plans :

A : Matric Plan upto $1258290
B : 6% 6.5% Weekly for 50 Weeks
C : 1.2% Daily for 100 Days
D : Charitable Donation (UNICEF)

Accept : PM and LR
Referral Matrix System
