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Bruson Fund

Welcome to Brusonfund.Com

The main objective of Brusonfund.Com is the desired returns for the clients who have put in their hard earned contributions with us. We have achieved success, but still we want to move ahead. We value our investors, for us this means that we invest in proper companies, we believe their funds cost less than their true business value. Thus our goal is to provide first class service capable of meeting the demands of the most fastidious investors. We are not a "hit-and-run" business. Our goal is a long lasting stable growth.

The investment aspect of the business has grown substantially since that time. Our mission is to create financial solutions for our customers through timely delivery of superior products and services. We will carry out our mission efficiently, with a professional attitude and in an environment that is customer driven. We do have a reliable and profitable source of real net income, based on the real investment from the real trade market. The most important aspect of investments, which range from low, medium to high returns are based on the fact that investment is always guaranteed. With the rising interest in high performance funds, our team is ready to provide a variety of high quality services to all levels of investors.
Investment Plans:

15% daily for 10 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $15,000 15.00

20% daily for 7 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $20 - $15,000 20.00

130% after 2 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $40 - $15,000 130.00

Accepted Currencies: LR, PM, STP

Referral Commission: Up to 8%

Program Link: