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For Surplus Finance S.A. members we have designed a secured product based on real estate projects in a booming area. It can generate 20 %+ yearly returns with 100% protection of your principal investment.

Projects Marketplace: Key features

» Principal Protection
Your investment into the project is inaccessible to the project developer until the necessary amount is complete and kept by an independent escrow facility until a property bond will be presented that protects 100% of your investment.
» Early Sale
Once the project developer starts building the real estate he also starts selling the units. This results in early returns for investors. Experience shows that around 90% can be sold before the project is finished within a short period of time; especially in this area. Investors will receive their principal plus profit as early as possible. This can be six months after their investment and might be 20% within this 6 months period.
» 20% Average Annual Returns
Relax knowing your Projects Marketplace investment is "under construction" and you as an investor will participate in the growing value of the project.
» “Principal First” Return Rule
The developer is contractually obliged to return your principals together with the pre-agreed premium to Projects Marketplace investors as priority ONE.
» Late Sale Protecion
Don't worry if the sale of the properties takes longer than expected. The developer is obliged to resell or repurchase your investment after a maximum period of 36 months and cover any differences between purchase and resale prices. Your profit is always protected.
» Low Initial Investment Requirement
The different programs are open to all kinds of investors. The price for each project unit (the "certificate") is calculated in relation to the total investment needed to realize the project to ONE square meter.
» First In First Out
Each project has a limited number of certificates available and investors purchasing the first certificates will also be paid out first.
» No Greenfield Projects
When we start to raise funds, which means the project is ready for your investment, all lights are green. The land has been bought, the project is completely calculated, including all interior and exterior, installations, garden and environment. There is nothing missing other than the budget to start.
» Booming Area
Montenegro has the world’s fastest growing tourism industry according to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) which has predicted that tourism will grow faster there than anywhere else in the world over a ten-year period with a 10% year-on-year growth.
“The real estate market in Montenegro is still in its infancy, and represents good value for money compared to its neighbours Italy and Croatia, and has a strong secondary market from a Russian client base which has been pushing prices upwards. The country uses only the Euro which is highly competitive against other currencies.”

Projects Marketplace Introduction

Projects Marketplace provides the opportunity to benefit from the current liquidity crisis, delivering considerable returns with no ongoing expenses or risks associated with the ownership of real estate.

Projects Marketplace permits selected real estate developers to generate equity and unlock vital construction finances in return for exceptional investment conditions for Projects Marketplace investors.

Construction and Finances

Since the beginning of the recent global liquidity crisis, it has become increasingly difficult to raise funds for real estate construction projects from traditional lenders. High levels of pre-determined sales volumes and developer equity are required in order to reduce the lender's credit risk. However, securing off-plan sales from end users is often difficult as most are unfamiliar with purchasing property so early on in the construction cycle (many projects are not started as even seasoned off-plan investors are choosing to wait until the project is at least in construction to reduce their risk).

This situation gives us the best position to offer alternative sources for raising funds.

Surplus Finance S.A. provides equity and pre-sale agreements for developers, allowing them to proceed with their projects generating pre-agreed average 20% annual returns with complete principal protection.
note:please take necessary research before taking any action,i am not responsible for losses in case of fraud