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Welcome to Investment Alliance!

We are pleased to introduce our company, which is engaged in gas production for over 15 years, we produce gas in harsh conditions of the Arctic Circle, our drill installation placed where others find it impossible. We are proud of our expertise in the field of gas production in severe natural conditions. Our experts are leading experts in the field of gas production, developing new strategies every day on production, we increase the volume of gas at 0.015% weekly production. We offer the best conditions for investment. Every year we increase the number of wells twice, now our company has 440 wells in 5 areas where our businesses are found. Now we want to increase our investments for greater sales and installation of more gas wells.

Our company confidently with latest technology which provides high technology development, more profit for investors. We monitor our employees and strive to provide the best working conditions and the highest salary this we ensure that all our employees work better and will bring more profit. Our company invites investments of investors who want to profit as soon as possible, we plan to surprise you generous interest and referral bonuses, we offer every investor.

Deposits of oil-based natural gas are usually located in porous rocks surrounded by impermeable materials and water, where natural gas – as a substance with lower specific weight – has accumulated over thousands of years above layers of crude oil or water. Natural gas is extracted through wells drilled directly into the porous layers of deposits, which are mostly located at depths up to three kilometers under the surface. However, gas can be extracted from much greater depths, up to eight kilometers.

104%-129% after 1 day
113%-190% after 3 days
130%-320% after 7 days
170%-790% after 14 days
300%-1900% after 30 days
500%-2900% after 45 days
1000%-4500% after 60 days
200% after 2 days

Minimal Deposit: $10
Maximal Deposit: $50,000

SSL Encryption
Licensed Script
DDOS Protection
Accept: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney
Referral Commission 3%

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