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FINASTA GROUP is a company that has been providing high quality financial and investment services to legal entities and individuals since 2005.

Our team is entirely made up of highly experienced and qualified experts with many years of experience of investing in the capital market. They are professional investor's money managers, and capital market analysts.

Our trading department, consisting of professional traders worldwide, has been successfully operating on all of the major financial markets of the world. However, besides online trading operations, we offer with a wide range of offline investments.

The technical support department, employing 5 people worldwide, ensures uninterruptible 24x7x365 online support of the system and its users, regardless of the time zone and the part of the world they are in.

"Basic Investor"
1.6% Daily
26 Calendar days
Principal back: Yes, at the end of term
Range: 5.00$ - 2`500.00$
ROI 141.6% (Profit 41.6 %)
You can see your earning in below example:

If you invest $50,00 into the "Basic Plan", Your daily income will be $0,80 and The total money that you will receive, is $70,80 ( $50,00 initial deposit + $20,80 profit ).

"Advanced Investor"
5.3% Daily
30 Calendar days
Principal back: No, principal included in daily profit
Range: 201.00$ - 5`000.00$
ROI 159% (Profit 59%)
You can see your earning in below example:

If you invest $250,00 into the "Advanced Plan", Your daily receive is $13,25 and The total money that you will receive, is $397,50 ( $250,00 initial deposit + $147,50 profit ).

"Royal Investor"
2.4% Daily
Unlimited term
Principal at any time you want without any hidden fees and restricions. Principal can be requested back even after 1 cal. day
Range: 501.00 - 20`000$
Pure profit 2.4% per calendar day.
How much will I earn If I make a deposit with you?
You can see your earning in below example:

If you invest $550,00 into the "Royal Plan", Your daily receive is $13,20 and you can earn with us how long time you want, you can even request principal back after 1 calendar day. For example, if you want earn with us 30 days then you will receive 13.20x30=396 $ ( Profit ) ( $550,00 initial deposit + $396,00 profit ).

-We accept: Liberty Reserve / Perfect Money / EgoPay [ PexPay & SolidTrustPay comming soon ]
-Dedicated DDoS protected Server - KoDDos
-Referral commission: 7%
-Manual Withdraw: 2 operators processing withdraws, so usually it will be almost instant.

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