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PayinAll was founded and registered in 2008 as a legal corporate entity, It is dedicated to investments and maintains a strategic focus on some of the highest yielding equity sectors, to provide a broad range of investment services through its investment center throughout the entire world, and to build a lasting, mutually beneficial relationship with each of our clients.

PayinAll has been a successful investment, we are proud of having set up a clear investment process and have grown a larger investor network in emerging market.

PayinAll has established a sound governance structure, as well as a risk control and investment management system in order to assure the efficiency and safety of the fund assets. At PayinAll, we pledge to work hard to earn your confidence and long term relationship by providing enhanced performance and excellent customer service.

1.5% daily for 120 days
103%-150% after 1 day

Minimal Deposit: $5
Maximal Deposit: $50,000

Accept: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney

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