Island Manager - is an innovative business project, open to all.
You always wanted to have your own business?
It is no secret that for the organization and promotion of the business requires a lot of finance, communications, knowledge ...

Many flexible tariff plans are designed for the most demanding customers.
Responsive and attentive technical support ready to help you at any time on running your business.
To stimulate the development of our client's business was formed two-tier referral program.
We wish you success, prosperity, and the active development of your business!
And remember that the "lifetime" of the project depends on the reinvestment and your activity!

100% daily for 2 days
Island Deposit Amount ($) Profit (%)
* $ 5 - $ 30 100.00

80% daily for 3 days
Island Deposit Amount ($) Profit (%)
** $ 10 - $ 80 80.00

70% daily for 4 days
Island Deposit Amount ($) Profit (%)
*** $ 20 - $ 200 70.00

400% after 5 days
Island Deposit Amount ($) Profit (%)
PRO **** $ 30 - $ 300 400.00

75% daily for 6 days
Island Deposit Amount ($) Profit (%)
VIP ***** $ 50 - $ 1,000 75.00

