DNS Investments

  • Start: 30 Jule, 2008.
  • Accept: Liberty Reseve & E-Gold
  • Payment: Instant
  • Ref-com: 10%
  • Class: Fast HYIP
  • Feature: Support-chat!

My opinion:
Professional HYIP. Good design and perfect plans. Interesting idea and Physical contacts: 95A Union St West., Dunedin, Otago 9015 / New Zealand.

DNS Investments Inc. - is Investment programme engaged in purchase and sale of valuable securities on Forex stock markets.

What is DNS Investments?
How do we work?
DNS Investments takes deposits from its investors at stable interest on view of our e.valuators. Prospects for both parties lies in that by estimates of our analysis none of the parties can remain in loss. Otherwise we settle our debts having previously stipulated all details. Company warrants hundred-per-cent result.

All workers have higher education in different areas related to economic structure, business influence area and directly concerning aspects. There are number of reasons for our growth and work - this is correct approach to structure of interactions connected with aspects affecting work and concernment of ****utive officers. Therefore, if take row of motivations all of them match on their principal structure and activity with common parameters.

Plans for the future
In future our company is planning to provide Forex-strategy services. Negotiations with participation of leaders of two companies were conducted successfully. We are interested in extend of business activity. The engagement was reached regarding exchange of information of reference-technical nature during the negotiations.

General characteristic and rules
Investment character of deposits is not assumed on default. Legislation does not contain discretionary rules, allowing to establish the purpose of deposits (or even predict it) in absence of special instruction of the party depositing money facilities. Secondly, where there are no investments there is no investment activity, this means that can not be subjects of this activity - investors, customers etc. In order to retain status of investor, it should retain control under the process of money investment either directly or through the chain of investment customers, delegated with authorities on control over investments. Consequently relations can not be recognized as investment ones, if depositing party is deprived the opportunity to control the process of capital investment and creation of object. Thirdly, one should differentiate investment activity as such (process of capital investment) and activity (entrepreneurial or other) in which the object made as result of investment realization is used. Whereas legal form of legal relationship between investor and authorized person (customer) is not concretized, any forms not prohibited by effective legislation (not contradictory) can be used for realization of investment activity (above all, we remind, is to keep the investor opportunity to control the process of creation of investment activity object directly through authorized investment customers).

Investment in foundation and reproduction of fixed capital is realized in form of capital investments. Legal relationship on investment in foundation and reproduction of fixed capital is excluded in field of regulation of special law.

Legal rules of these Laws are correlated as general and special (with priority of special rules). Herewith the Law somewhat differently defines both list of facilities (deposits) which can play part of investments, and features of investments.

Moreover it is necessary to differentiate put up capital (investments) and objects formed in result of such investments (objects of capital investments). Investment of capital (investments) shall be directed on creation of certain object that meets criteria of "basic assets" and intended for use in following activity, which must be targeted on deriving of profit (more specifically, can not but suppose the deriving of profit). Ћne of principal and essential features of investment legal relationship remains the retention of control over remitted use of investments function after investor, even in case of delegation of authorities to the third persons.

For retention of investment customer status by participants of building project following after the real estate developer it is required simultaneously fulfillment of three compulsory conditions:
- facilities should have features of investments, project should be recognized as investment to all appearances, and person who is the source of funds, should be recognized as investor;
- person should be aware, i. e. relying on terms of agreements, on the basis of which it acts and disposes by conveyed to it facilities;
- such person should have authorities from investor on realization of investments.

Depositor of any level can have status of investor. Legislation of investment activity does not limit this function by one level.
My deposit:
Date: 7/29/2008 20:03
Batch: 4235635
Sent To: U6395673
Amount: $10.00
Memo: Deposit from datre

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