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The Klides was once a leading venture project in South-Eastern Asia. Owning a proprietary technology Cross.skim Trading ®, the Klides in less than one year brought to the investors of the project significant dividends and in early 2012 bought out all its shares from third party stockholders.

Having released the Internet platform Klides.com on basis of successful trading technology, the company is no engaged in attracting investors through the global network and offering innovative investment product to the market.

Behind rapidly developing investment company the Klides there is a team of financial managers which in late 2009 successfully created and developed from scratch their own platform to manage assets and integrated it into the Internet environment.

The system is built in such a way that all investor funds coming via the website go through the internal pools of the company and then they are transferred to the exchange terminals becoming a base for new orders placed by traders of the Klides in global exchanges.

Daily income: depends on trading session results (min. 0.7%)
Investment volume: $10 - $500,000
Business period: 150 trading days (~7 calendar months)

Payment methods: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, BankWire

Referral bonus: 5-10%

Link: http://www.klides.com/