I am not the admin of the program.

Xlinvestment is a group specializing in trading currencies on the foreign exchange market.

Farex is a universal market of foreign exchange transaction. It is the market which banks and large financial institutions transact the different foreign exchange of world like dollar and euro in this market. This market on the contrary of stocks markets that do in special and physical place, are not concentrate in a special place. It means that work of America's stocks market is begin by opening the stock parlor in New York in the Wall Street st. But dollar transaction hasn't any special place like Wall Street and only do by phone or communication net between banks or Internet. The international stocks markets start their work when the Australian banks begin their activity every Monday. The banks of this continent are start to foreign exchange transaction and giving price to customers in the whole of the world. Then when this banks being closed, the banks of Asian countries that begin their morning will continue this work till this rotation reach to Europe and America banks. In the other words, The largest transaction market of world with 1 billion daily transaction-%40 electronic trade market- continue without a second pause in 5 days in a week. Forex is a mid- bank market that has established when the universal trading changed from fix prices to floating prices in 1971. Forex is a collection which a specified amount of money will agree with an equal price base on current foreign exchange as compared with current foreign exchange of another country and will transact in a define date by some transaction or people. During the transaction, will specify the equal price of one country as compared with another country. Base on offer and demand_ a transaction that the two parties of transaction will agree with it. In this market as much as the origin capital be large, also, the profits will be more. So our company has decided after 7 years of activity to gathering the people who are specialist and experience in this field to take action to stock acceptance from all the people who interest to activity in this market. Our group has started their activity in the date Aug 17, 2007 and has developed very soon. As we have some brokers in many countries of the world which help us around this trade. We hope to be good commercial partners for you.

For more information, visit
XL Investment Group

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