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TRADINGCOALITION - Take a look and sign in.

Dear investor or trader, we welcome you at the website of the tradingcoalition.com, the unique website which unites the best traders with the most shrewd investors. We strive to bring the best traders and investors together to the mutual benefits of both parties.
Our investors receive high daily payouts, which do not depend on the performance of individual traders. We achieve this by diversifying the pooled funds among all of our traders based on their current performance. Doing so we achieve stable trading performance and pay our investors fixed daily interest.
You can make 100% monthly profit by investing with us! If you are interested in making an investment with us please proceed here. If you are interested in working with us as a trader please check this page.

Our investment plans
We offer you 7.5%-10% daily interest paid for 20 business days. You can make a deposit with us using bank wires, LibertyReserve.com, and PerfectMoney.com payment systems. You need to register with us to make a deposit.
Interest is credited to your account each business day (Monday through Friday), and you can withdraw your profits immedialtely or make a new investment using your profits.
Your total profit after twenty business days (four calender weeks) reaches 50-100%, based on your deposit amount.
Your principal deposit is returned as a part of daily payments. Our payment plans allow you to double your money in less than a month!
TRADINGCOALITION - Take a look and sign in.