I am not the admin of the program.

We are a highly trusted and profitable Company specialising in the Foreign Exchange Market, Future Options and Commodities. We promise to Invest your deposits and deliver returns as stated in a professional and courteous manner. We guarantee you will not lose your principal Investment & the percentage plan, once matured with our Company. All these "HYIP" Companies that offer you are daily rate are simply "Ponzi's". For anyone that does not know what a ponzi is, here is the answer:- A Ponzi scheme usually offers abnormally high short-term returns in order to entice new Investors. The high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) require an ever-increasing flow of money from Investors in order to keep the scheme going.

So as you can view below our plans are long term thus ensuring using the Commodities, at our disposal, we can insure that we can pay on time, over and over again. Which of course is good news to us. The reason for that is:- We pride ourselves within the fields we specialise in and want to make a great name for ourselves, and more importantly show all our Investors that they can have the faith required to Invest, knowing their money is in safe and reliable hands, and will get the guaranteed principal back plus the amount of percentage bonus on top after the plan matures.

No real Investment Company can or will last using a ponzi method, they may be downright despicable, but we can show them all, that the correct method of obtaining trust and the ultimate goal is, giving the Investor what they want, and the answer to that is simple. Their principle back plus the added maturity of their chosen plan.

We promise to deliver you excellent customer service and answer any questions you may have regarding our business and your deposits invested with us in a timely manner. We promise to give you a positive experience with our company and deliver on all promises we make and as stated on our website.
Please read a summary of "About Us" underneath the plans we have on offer.


Listed below are our two Investment plans currently on offer. The reason for this is simple, unlike many "HYIP" sites you may of seen surfing the Internet, we pride ourselves on being honest with our plans. Our aim and goals are also very feasible, the two plans listed below are well within our means using highly trained professionals in the fields listed above. This can ensure that we can keep on giving our Investors the money and returns they rightly deserve.

We at "Equinox Investments" would like to point out for security reasons that the total "Investment / Deposits" has been hidden from the public eye. We are sure you understand the reasoning behind this measure, as hackers will take advantage of this information if on view. They will use any means possible to steal any "Companies / Personal" e-currencies accounts away using despicable methods. This can cause a devastating effect, and even close down certain "Companies" if they have not taken adequate measures.

We use a two tier "e-currency method / plan", meaning no hacker could ever get the chance to steal the funds here at "Equinox Investments".
The withdrawal / paid out information shall be on view, as that is paramount for all to see.

About Us

We are an honest and trustworthy Investment Company specialising in the Foreign Exchange market, Futures, Options and Commodities. We believe in our trading systems so much we guarantee you will not lose your principal deposits when you invest with us. We take pride in our hard work, honesty and integrity in these times when many Investment Companies are deceiving you and wasting your hard earned money.

Do not fall victim to the many Companies offering outrageous interest rates. They will not be able to provide the interest rates as claimed and you are very likely to lose your money. We will treat you right.

All payments are made to your account, after the maturity within the Business hours we comply with, which are, Monday - Saturday 9.00am - 6.00pm (GMT). So if your Investment matures say at 2.00am (GMT) then we shall make payments to those Investors in a timely manner, we have a expert team behind us, thus ensuring payments are made as soon as physically possible. We estimate the time-frame being two hours, this is so we can manually check all records before proceeding with payments.

While many "HYIP" websites you see online, they may pay you automatically, because of the system they use, they simply do not Invest any funds and around 95%+ fail within 6 Months. You can either make the right choice and use a team that truly understands the meaning of Investment, or try your luck with a so called Investment Company, that sadly will fail, and you will lose your funds.

We would like to point out that "Pecunix" is the only PP (Payment Processor) that handles, "Investments / Deposits" manually. Our advice is use E-Gold or E-Bullion if you wish to see you spend in your "Members Area" instantly. If you use Pecunix, then try and add your spend via our "Business Hours / Days", thus ensuring we can add, as soon as your payment has been verified.

Minimum spend is US $10.00 and there is a maximum of US $20,000.00.
You may make as many additional Investments as you like. Each will be handled separately.

All transactions are handled via E-Gold / E-Bullion / Pecunix. If you do not have any of these e-currencies, then use these links to obtain to choice of e-currency for you.

For E-Gold, E-Gold. For E-Bullion, E-Bullion. For Pecunix, Pecunix.

Use our referral program and earn up to 5.00% of referral deposits!

Our level of referral bonuses are as follows:-

Name From To Commission (%)
Equinox Investments:- Referral Plan 1 1000 5.00

We are offering the referral scheme simply as a bonus for our "Members / Investors". At Equinox-Investments, we can assure you this is not too entice our Company to operate in the way most "HYIP" websites conduct themselves. This is simply a bonus, so our "Members / Investors" can enjoy the fact of gaining more financial gain with minimal effort on their part.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before considering to invest in any program.