I am not the admin of the program.

Welcome to goldendoubler program!

Automatic Payout

will open $1 & $10

Discover how YOU will double YOUR money in a few days

How does it work?

The goldendoubler system is simply a single-line matrix. In our 200% line every time 2 shares are purchased, the person at the top gets paid and the next person moves up.

For Example: You purchased a share in $50 and you are at the top position #1. If someone purchases 2 shares after you, you will be paid $100 (you have made a profit of $50). You will then be removed from the top position and the second person in the line will be moved up to replace you at the top. It is possible to cycle many times a day with the right amount of promotion and Teamwork.

Your spent money won't go anywhere; all money is stored in a private e-gold account.
Our site is made to be as simple to use as possible for the common computer user. We have designed our script to best suit you!
You need a minimum of $0.5 on your e-gold account to start.
Payments are made 100% automatically!

How do you purchase a spot on the list?

Go to our spots page and click "Buy A Spot", you can buy as many as you like, no limit, you'll receive 200% back on your purchase paid directly into your account instantly.

Opportunity knocks - open the door now!
If you decide to tell some friends about this opportunity you make money on every single purchase they EVER make. Click here for the full details on the referral system.
If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us at or use our contact page.

Earnings disclaimer: Your money is doubled as long as members after you decide to spend money on the system or members after you decide to reinvest their previous earnings. The system will never be closed down because of a management decision. Basically as long as people want to double their money you double your money. This is not an investment opportunity.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.