I am not the admin



my name is Anna and I'm one of the manager of Lay4You Betting Pool.

I'm an housewife, married with 2 sons.
I stay at home all day long and I start playing with BetFair on 2006.

Now I do not "playing"..I making over 100$ a month by laying the loser horse!

I know that you're a bit suspicious so keep reading..I've prepared two common question :)

Why I should give my money to Lay4You instead of betting myself?

Good question..Ok Now read my question to you:

Are you able to make over 4000 bet a year with 93.3% of success?
Can you stay in front of your personal computer since 12 pm GMT to 18 pm GMT every day?
Do you know how to use BetFair or any other betting exchanger?
Are you an expert of Horse racing ?

If you've answered yes of all this question,please contact me..I will hire you on Lay4you Team.

If not, I suggest to you to give a try at Lay4you

If it's a winning system why are you asking other people's money?

Another good question..:

The system is a very profitable but never forget that it's GAMBLING!

Image that I can afford 100$..Do you can afford 100$ ? Not? Can you afford 20$ ? Yes?

So now image other 99 people that can lose 20$. We will collect 2000$

Now image 2000$ with our profitable system..No more 100$ a month,but over 5000$ !!

More money,more stake,more bet,more profit...and keeping the same risk of loss for everyone


Welcome to Lay4You Betting Pool!
Are you tired of losing money on Ponzi Systems?
Are you tired of losing money by yourself on gambling ?
Are you tired of loosing money on Forex ?
If your answer is YES do not wait. Join on Lay4You !
100% Real
100% Proven
100% Works!

Something that works

Horse Laying is the Art of Betting that a Horse will NOT Win a race

In a Race with 8 Horses, the change of finding a winner is 1 in 8 ( 12.5% )

The change to picking a loser is 7 in 8 ( 87.5% )

Sounds good?

It make sense to bet on horses to lose...Just like the bookmakers do...

Do not miss this chance!

Important Note

This site is in no way related with:
Richard O'Neill - investment96.com and other his site
Liz Waren - Itrade4you.biz
Shaun - Horse-Layer.biz
or any other similar site

For more information, visit

Added for discussion
