Greetings to all!
I today have found new Hyip.
Here has enclosed there 10usd on such tariff plan of 1% After 1 days.
I shall wait Now for payments.

StarFond is a new Forex trading company.However, with the professionalism and multi-year experience of the company's team as well as application of innovative techniques and delicate individual treatment of every particular client we intend to instill in our clients a high level of trust and confidence and take a firm place among international financial leaders

3% After 1 days (Auto Withdrawal)

Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

Plan A $1 - $100 1.00

Plan B $101 - $50 1.50

Plan C $501 - $1,000 2.50

Plan D $1,001 - $10,000 3.00

All payments are made to your account Daily.
Minimum spend is US$1 and maximum US$10000.
You may make additional spend as many times as you like.
All transactions are handled via e-gold . If you don't have an e-gold account, you need to get one.

Use our referal program and earn up to 15.00% of referal deposits!

Our first level referrals bonuses:

Name From To Commision (%)

Add new 1 10 3.00

Add new 11 20 7.00

Add new 21 and more 15.00

Our other levels referal bonuses (not depending on number):
Level 2: 2.00%
Level 3: 1.00%
Level 4: 0.50%
Level 5: 0.40%
Level 6: 0.30%
Level 7: 0.20%
Level 8: 0.10%