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Midas Investment Centre is a well-established company, having real money flow ,real traders, and real profit building techniques. Our members can get exellent rates of profit . We offer you several options for which you can make a good investment as well as change your lifestyle, fulfill your financial plans and make your money work for you. We can promise you, hard work, honesty, professionalism and a good profit .The plans we have to offer are guaranteed to return you the promised profit at the end of the respective plan terms, we have come up with three different investment plans for our existing and prospective clients. We have something for everyone, long term, medium term and short term so that Midas Investment Centre is the only investment company you will ever need.
Long Term
Daily Plan : 2.00% After
Period : 120 Business Days
Mininum Deposit : $10.00
Deposit Returned : No

Medium Term
Daily Plan : 5.00% After
Period : 30 Business Days
Mininum Deposit : $25.00
Deposit Returned : No

Short Term
Daily Plan : 10.00% After
Period : 12 Business Days
Mininum Deposit : $50.00
Deposit Returned : No

Accept: Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money,Alertpay,Solidtrustpay

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