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Choosing an investment partner is one of the most important decisions investor will make and we understand that it is difficult to distinguish the hype from the reality. Since 2007, PaidProgress team has prided itself on avoiding the herd and on operating a little differently than other investment companies.This approach has helped us to build long lasting, transparent and stable relationship with our investors. Our company was founded on a set of principles that remain the pillars of our investment philosophy: preservation of investors' capital and a high level of current income; a research-centric methodology for identifying and understanding large, emerging market opportunities; a proactive approach to finding unobvious financial market trends; and daily involvement with every investor.
125% After 1 Day - Principal Included
75% daily for 2 Days - Principal Included
200% After 5 Days - Principal Included
8% hourly for 13 hours - Principal Included
700% After 15 Days - Principal Included
3500% After 35 Days - Principal Included
9999% After 52 Days - Principal Included

Accept: Liberty Reserve

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