Welcome to EMC September

Dear Investor,

We want to sincerely welcome you to EMC Investments website and we hope

you will enjoy your stay. EMC Investments is an offshore based

investment company, with a feature-rich investment platform that will

give you unlimited possibilities for online investments. Feel free to

navigate throughout the website and register an account - we are also

offering corporate membership option, for the companies who want to

bind a long term partnership with us.

EMC Investments is an opportunity for everyone - whether you are a

financial expert or just wish to make a minor investment as your first

try. New investors will find our investment platform easy to navigate

and profoundly genuine, while higher echelon investors can get

extensive research by checking our articles and fund prospectuses. The

opportunity is available *********, unlike some companies that require

their investors to be based in offshore.

Every offshore investment company must realize that their investors`

privacy must be of paramount importance to them. We, at EMC

Investments, handle our users` privacy in the most professional manner.

You should also review the Privacy Policy for an insight look on our

privacy views.

Yet another innovative side of EMC Investments is payment processors.

EMC Investments works with variety of e-currencies which include

e-gold®, e-Bullion®, Liberty Reserve® and Pecunix®. This really adds up

to the whole internet investments feel of the program.

As an investor myself, I can safely say that if I would have had such

extensive information and opportunities from one company that would

have accelerated my career vastly. I wish you to fulfill your

investment needs, whether those are targeted investments or just a

build up for future.

What we offer

EMC Investments offers a wide range of services to suit your needs.

Please review them yourself in the article presented below.

EMC Funds

We are currently offering four types of funds for our investors that

include funds representing both conservative investing and fast growing

funds. You can choose the fund that reflects your investments style or

the one you feel is going to make you the most just profit. There is

also the ability to diversify your assets throughout the funds and a

feature to compound interest. The list of funds is displayed below:
Conservative fund
Rational fund
Fast growing fund
Monetary market fund
The funds represent their names well - the profits you gain from these

funds differ as does the investment term.

Financial consultation

Our investors often need an advice on the matters investing into

various funds. We are always here help - all you need to do is send a

query to [email protected]

However, please make sure you do not ask for this kind of help in our

Live Support office, employers available there are not financial

experts nor instructed to give any explanation and their opinion must

not be regarded as EMC Investments opinion on the whole.

Live support

The officers at Live support are there to help you, so do not hesitate

to contact them at any time. The working hours are from 9AM to 7PM in

GMT time. The Live Support platform is a well done product by

ProvideSupport and respectively purchased by EMC Investments to ease

the help given to our investors.


The specific knowledge base feature is one of the premier services by

EMC Investments. The whole system is made to guide investors throughout

the program when the Live Support office operators are not available.

You can easily search the knowledge base and get the answers in a swift

manner. There is also a context search feature available.

Thank you for visiting,
Ernesto De La Motte
Director of EMC Investments

For more information, visit
EMC Investments

Added for discussion
