XCashbiz - xcashbiz.com
35% weekly for 4 weeks - Liberty Reserve ,SolidTrustPay

We are a group of web******* divided into two teams, one working in the United States and the other one in Europe, Romania. Our main business interest is the adult industry. XCashBiz.com is an investment program and you are invited to participate in this opportunity for profits and for sure you will be satisfied by the revenues.

The team from the United States is responsible for the management, funding and collecting the revenues of our business, and the team from Romania is responsible for the support, design, maintenance but also for keeping the contacts with the local adult sources.

Many probably wonder why we chose to work in this formula. The answer is simple: this is the best and efficient way to work. The US team is able to control and manage the funds more easily as the majority of money comes from US. Also Romania is very well known as a good source for well trained web designers and programmers. If we were to talk about the adult industry from Romania we must mention the high presence of the adult video chat (almost 25% of the video chat hosts are from Romania).

In the future we consider investing in a video chat studio to expand further more our business. But for now we decided to go that extra mile and open a private investment program to increase our investment level in the adult business, making a good profit for us and for our members. XCashBiz has re-invented itself to compete in a highly dynamic market. Approaching 1 year and a half, we are fortunate to have a strong team with exceptional leadership. Collectively we are determined to be innovative and customer service driven. We appreciate your business and your ongoing support.
XCashBiz investment plan

1. 35% weekly for 4 weeks
2. Bi-Weekly cashouts
3. 5% refferal commissions