Excel Prestige International is an offshore based organisation

utilising a panel of financial experts from various fields who we

have put together to help us set up and operate our program.

Included in our experts are accountants, financial advisors, stock

brokers, and fund managers - all bringing in their own area of

expertise and utilising their many contacts built up over long

careers to help put this opportunity together and allow ordinary

people like you and me to benefit from a financial system not

unique but normally kept quiet and reserved for the rich and


The Reverse Pension Plan

What Is The Reverse Pension Plan?

For a one time payment of $40 you can enrol in the program and

receive compensation of $70,000 in a one-off lump sum, payable

upon the completion of the program.

Membership of the program is available to anyone, of any

nationality, between the ages of 18 and 65.

The program will be limited to 100,000 members. Once this number

is achieved the membership offer will close and the program will

be completed.

Additional 'bonus' payments of $2,000 will be paid to members who

successfully refer other members into the program PLUS we also now

offer additional and instant referal bonuses paid directly to your

e-gold account with payments made every hour of every day.

Due to the location of our experts, and of some of the key

financial institutions involved in this program, the currency used

will be US Dollars. If you are outside the US our membership

payment gateway will allow you to convert your own currency into

US Dollars.

How Does The Program Work?

Normally, pension plans require the policyholder to pay premiums

into a Policy for a period of up to 40 years and then at around 65

years of age the benefits are paid out (if he or she is still

alive to enjoy them). That means waiting years, even decades

before any financial benefit is derived from the plan.

Additionally, a less favorable point of normal pension savings is

the older you are when you enter the program, the more you are

required to pay to gain at least a reasonable benefit when your

payout finally commences. You also run the risk of your pension

fund reducing in value due to falling markets or tax-grabs by

governments, or disappearing altogether due to corporate theft or

fund mismanagement (as has happened recently in the UK and US).

All in all, though essential to most people, 'normal' pension

plans can offer very little security for the future.

How our Reverse Pension Plan differs from 'normal' plans is as


Firstly you do not need to contribute to the policy for several

years. All you need to pay is your enrolment of $40. Period. This

covers the cost of setting up and administering the program on

your behalf.
( Similar previous programs for the financial elite have required

enrolments in excess of $100,000 and have produced millions of

dollars in return)

For more information, visit
Excel Prestige International - - ********* Pension Plan

Added for discussion
