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Fibonacci Forex

Fibonacci Forex is trading on FOREX market for more than 3 years. Based on market analysis, observation of foreign exchanges, margin trading, effective use of fundamental and technical analysis, everything is performed in order to reduce risks and get realistic profit. Our traders perform their activity 24 hours a day. We continually extend the number of provided services, and also do our best in order to let our clients feel confidently and get qualified assistance of specialists in time. Our relations with clients, which are based on confident communication and mutual respect, are the most valuable matter for us. We are aware that the efficiency of solving tasks that face the corporation directly depends on professionalism and motivation of our staff. Our team consists of highly skilled specialists in finances and, particularly, FOREX market; each of them has his part of work, and all together they create an complementary strategy to increase rentability, which is working ideally and is perfected continually.

-Investment Products:-

Normal Investment Package
0.5% daily(Mon-Fri) for 225 Business days
Min:$1 Max: $499
Principal: Return

Premium Investment Package
0.6% daily(Mon-Fri) for 225 Business days
Min:$500 Max: $2999
Principal: Return

Institutional Investment Package
0.7% daily(Mon-Fri) for 225 Business days
Min:$2999 Max: No Limit
Principal: Return

-E-Currency Accepted:- Liberty Reserve Perfect Money

-Features :-
+Only $1 to start
+Skilled Trading Team
+Fixed Realistic Rates
+Fast Withdraw
+No Withdraw Minimum
+No Fee For Withdraw
+Early Principal Withdraw
+Unique Design
+Spanish Translated
+Strong Account Security
+Strong DDoS Protected
+24/7 Support
