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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default etradeclub -

    Investing, broadly is putting spare money to use in order to appreciate it. Well, even banks do that. But, what is banks appreciative interest rate when compared to other options like stock market or Forex trading. Investments, in essence should be active and rotating to gain maximum appreciation instead of being passive as in a bank deposit.

    Investing is a balanced combine of risk and return. Investments should fetch the maximum return with a minimal risk. Investment is also a tool to lock your spare money flexibly and protecting it from the risk of being spent on whims and fancies that all of us humans are prone to, now and then.

    Can you cross a street at peak hours without a risk? No risk means, you do not get to office on time isn’t it. Well, the same applies to money too. Risk has to be taken to get a fair return, only the risk needs to be timed and calculated as you so aptly did while crossing the street. This is where we come in.

    If we promise you a fair daily income on your investment regardless of risks, isn’t it fair enough? While hedging your investment from risks, we can generate a 0.5% return for you on a daily basis with a huge pool of cash reserves to fall back upon.

    Program Plans

    2.1% Daily For 90 Days
    Minimum USD 20
    Maximun USD 600

    If you are new to internet investments but willing to take the step, our starter plan would be your best bet. We assure you perfect percentile return on a daily basis for 90 continuous days. You can withdraw anytime you want without any questions being asked and no fee being charged. With a minimum and maximum ceiling on investment commitments, you can keep your risk at a while earning a consistent return on it.


    2.5% Daily For 90 Days
    Minimum USD 600
    Maximun USD 3000

    It is time to accelerate your investment process. From the starter plan, you should have had some exposure to the returns on investment by investing with us. The advanced investment plan is an extension over our starter plan and gives you a better over a 90 day period. Subject to a minimum and maximum ceiling, you can again keep the risks in check and earn handsomely. Withdrawal terms remain the same.


    2.8% Daily For 90 Days
    Minimum USD 3000
    Maximun USD 8000

    The best is yet to come. With the experience you have gathered from our starter and advanced plans, it is time to move ahead and get professional. May be it is time, you though about quitting the nine to fiver..! This is a plan that can get you to shape your dreams. With similar terms, the professional plan plays on a different level and as returns are commensurate with risk and investment, it does need better investment figures.

    Disclaimer: Our interactions with our clients are only through the website interface as per the terms and conditions specified. We do not engage in any kind of charity or offer any consultancy on FOREX related matters.

    For more information, visit

    Added for discussion



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  3. #2
    Senior Investor's Avatar
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    Just joined and invested 30 bucks here :D

    e-metal® payment confirmation: Batch 83382679
    Paid To: 4627262 (eTradeclub)
    Amount: 30 US Dollars' worth of Gold
    Memo: Pay For Principal Account / User = Incredible


    3xxxxxx (INCREDIBLE EARNINGS - MONITOR) - Monitoring Programs Since 2004
    Top 1 Investing Choice

  4. #3
    Senior Investor
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    Thumbs up 3/90 payment

    Got paid within 18 hours after request! (omsk)

    16:09 Payment Received 8365**** Gold +0.001577 4627*** 1.05 USD 665.80
    From: eTrade Club Merchant Reference #: 0
    Memo: Pay to omsk ( Order ID : 91 )

    Thank you Admin!

  5. #4
    Senior Investor
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    Thumbs up 4/90 payment

    Got paid within 15 hours after request! (omsk)

    13:38 Payment Received 8369**** Gold +0.001575 4627*** 1.05 USD 666.60
    From: eTrade Club Merchant Reference #: 0
    Memo: Pay to omsk ( Order ID : 123 )

    Thank you Admin!

  6. #5
    Senior Investor
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    Jul 2007
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    Thumbs up next payment

    Got paid within 16 hours after request! (omsk)

    00:20 Payment Received 8375**** Gold +0.003119 4627*** 2.10 USD 673.30
    From: eTrade Club
    Memo: Pay to omsk ( Order ID : 177 )

    Thank you Admin!

  7. #6
    Senior Investor
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    Jul 2007
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