grandinvestfund -


The interesting project grandinvestfund has opened in the beginning of 2012, 16.01, with very popular offer "Investment coin box" the Short sense of the offer is investments into a perfect money and LR a reserve under 1 % a day without holl days.

Conditions and the description is detailed:

- 1 % a day
- Without days off of charge
- Liberti a reserve, the Perfect моней
- An exchanger of 1 % between PM and LR on the project
- Partnerka one level from personal 10 % from the income
- Minimalka of $1 on the contribution
- Payments minim are not present, terms of payments till 36 o'clock,
- Languages English, Russian, French
- Script GC (Golden Kodes)
- Protection SSL thawte for 2 years
- A hosting of Staminus, the allocated server

Personally from me. The project is made rather qualitatively. In spite of the fact that script ГК under "grandinvestfund" did not meet earlier, the project actually unique in market HAJP of projects with such attractive plan. At the project excellent prospect, having started in the beginning of year to have simply excellent perspective linear development. I intend to work with Grandinvestfund. The project rather useful for today (the beginning of year).

Date : 02/07/2012 17:00
From/To Account : U2034166
Amount : -100.5
Currency : USD
Batch : 7442594
Memo : Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to User master.
Payment ID : NULL