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Magneticwallet.com pays 2% to 2.5% per day for 100 days. The minimum spend is $20 and the maximum is $10,000.00. Multiple spends are allowed. Bring as many people as possible and earn 10% for every spend. Our script is fully automated. We are here for the long term. Our rates are sustainable. We only promise what we can handle. We only invest in secure activities to protect ourselves and your investment. We invite you to invest with us in our quest for financial freedom. If you have been searching for a secure and reliable investment, your search is over. Forget the exorbitant payout rates which never materialise but instead you keep losing your money. With us no penny is lost and you earn what you deserve for your investment. Put us to the test, sit back and watch while we put money in your wallet day after day. No more empty wallets with us. Financial freedom is knocking. Open the door, invest with us and enjoy the goodness of wealth. Your future is here. Your future is now.
