Forex Earners is a Short Term High Yield Private Loan program, backed up by Forex Market Trading, Real Estate and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.

Our specialist have years of experience in different investment categories, and they know how to reduce risk to minimum. Our clients are entrepreneurs who want to invest in the Forex/NASDAQ market but lack the necessary knowledge and time to make profitable transactions.
Our professionals take advantage of currency price fluctuations to make profit for their clients by buying and selling major currencies and stocks. It is known that unusually high returns are quite common when investing in currency or stocks.

However, it's important to understand that high profits are always associated with high risk.
We pay a realistic return on your investment. We are a stable company that guarantees automatic, timely payments.

Program Features:
1)Earn 150%-350% ROI for Your Investments.

2) Prizes for TOP 3 ACTIVE Investors every Month:
1st Prize - Sony Ericsson P990i.
2nd Prize - Apple iPod Nano 4GB.
3rd Prize - $100 through E-Gold.

3) Instant Automatic Withdrawal to E-Gold.

4) Compounding Available.

5) Instant Referral Commision of 5%-15% to E-Gold.

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