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Nicosia Finance

You're welcome to visit the NicosiaFinance website - the company which is engaged in investing the costs in different spheres of business activity such as buying and selling of immovable property, currency commerce on the Forex market and automobile industry. Our company began its activity in 2008 being registered on the Cyprus Island offshore zone in its capital Nicosia. It allows paying low taxes and developing a profitable business making it more attractive to our investors.

The staff of the company accounts 16 professionals, well-informed in the sphere of finance, working on the increasing the company capital, investing the costs in business and getting a stable income. In 2011 it took the decision to increase the range of investors, creating the investment fund to expand the company activity, decrease the potential risks and increase investor's incomes. Join our company and we'll do the best to secure your finance stability, independence and confidence in future!
Investment Plans: 10% daily for 7 days, 12.5% daily for 6 days, 15% daily for 5 days. Principal return after investment plan ending and it's no any hidden fee

Accept LibertyReserve and Perfect Money

Minimum investment start's from 10$

Link: http://nicosiafinance.com/