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Welcome to Astra Finance
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Astra Capital Group Ltd. is entirely owned by its directors and staff. Based in Belize. All our fund managers are analysts, each with specific sector research responsibilities. Any investment decision has to be agreed by two managers, providing greater conviction in the companies we invest in. The investment team work closely together and in an environment where investment debate and comment is positively encouraged. The average experience of our fund managers is 21 years, providing great knowledge and insight into companies built up over many years. In addition this experience leads to a detailed understanding of trading and market position of stocks, together with the subtle inter-dependency of companies and market conditions. The result is an investment team that genuinely understands companies as businesses, creating an investment decision path that generates highly profitable stock positions.
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BASIC LEVELMinimum amount USD/EUR 10.00
Maximim amount USD/EUR 999.99
Interest rate 1.70% daily
Compound available yes
Active duration 120 calendar days
Deposit cancellation any time - 35 % fee
Deposit return yes, without any fee
Total return 424% (with principal)

ENTERPRISE LEVELMinimum amount USD/EUR 1 000.00
Maximim amount USD/EUR 4 999.99
Interest rate 2.10% daily
Compound available yes
Active duration 120 calendar days
Deposit cancellation any time - 35 % fee
Deposit return yes, without any fee
Total return 442% (with principal)

PLATINUM LEVELMinimum amount USD/EUR 5000.00
Maximim amount N/A
Interest rate 2.70% daily
Compound available yes
Active duration 120 calendar days
Deposit cancellation any time - 35 % fee
Deposit return yes, without any fee
Total return 460% (with principal)

Accepts LR, PM

Referral program: Up to 0.7% daily from deposits made by their referrals

Link: http://astra-finance.com/