I am not admin :

The website shall start operating completely and admit investments on March 01, 2011.

* Welcoming bonus after registration ($20)

Condor Asset Group S.A. considered the needs and desires of our investors and we have made a decision to set up an online version of the company's activities, carried out simultaneously with the office. We believe that now our Clients will enjoy the following advantages:

* Convenience of Online Investing
* Efficiency of deposit and withdrawal procedures
* Constant control of the investor over the proper use of funds
* Constant liaison "Investor - Fund - Fund - Investor", maintained by the Online Support
* Additional profit from the loyalty program
Plans :

* 0,2-2% in the business day

Expiration Date: 2011-11-29
Creation Date: 2010-11-29
Last Update Date: 2011-02-17

Name Servers:

Address: East 53rd Street, Marbella, Swiss Bank Building, 2nd Floor
Panama City
Panama, 0832-0885 PA
Phone: +507 832 1710
E-mail: support[a]condorassetgroup.com, admin[a]condorassetgroup.com
finance[a]condorassetgroup.com, abuse[a]condorassetgroup.com

Referral program that allows to acuumulate from 10 to 20% of the profits of your referrals

Accept - LR\PM

I am in with bonus $20