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GetInstantProfit is a high yield investment company, GetInstantProfit is managed by highly experienced investment brokers specializing in foreign currency exchange markets. We offers you a unique view of earnings in the Internet. You will get income when not even going to be in the network. A few days later you feel as strongly increased your profit.All you need is to invest in our company and just watch the growth of income.
105%-120% after 1 day
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
GIP 1 $10 - $250 105.00
GIP 2 $251 - $500 106.00
GIP 3 $501 - $1,000 108.00
GIP 4 $1,001 - $2,500 111.00
GIP 5 $2,501 - $5,000 115.00
GIP 6 $5,000 - $50,000 120.00

116%-175% after 3 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
GIP 7 $10 - $250 116.00
GIP 8 $251 - $500 120.00
GIP 9 $501 - $1,000 126.00
GIP 10 $1,001 - $2,500 137.00
GIP 11 $2,501 - $5,000 154.00
GIP 12 $5,001 - $50,000 175.00

141%-360% after 7 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
GIP 13 $10 - $250 141.00
GIP 14 $251 - $500 151.00
GIP 15 $501 - $1,000 172.00
GIP 16 $1,001 - $2,500 208.00
GIP 17 $2,501 - $5,000 267.00
GIP 18 $5,001 - $50,000 360.00

208%-1000% after 15 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
GIP 19 $10 - $250 208.00
GIP 20 $251 - $500 240.00
GIP 21 $501 - $1,000 318.00
GIP 22 $1,001 - $2,500 460.00
GIP 23 $2,501 - $5,000 700.00
GIP 24 $5,001 - $50,000 1000.00

Accept: LR, PM

Ref.com - 1%-10%

My first payment instant :

Date: 2011-29-09 06:07:30
Batch: 71912870
From Account: U5447223
Amount: $20.00
Memo: Withdraw to profitablehyips from getinstantprofit.com