We have developed a reinvestment strategy for WTIA which will work exceedingly well for a group of like-minded people. WTIA is a well-established online opportunity, one which has been paying steadily for 15 years.

This is set up with 1 TEAM position that will be used for 100% reinvestment to help ALL team members prosper. This will be built as a 3X forced matrix under the main team position..

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There are certain rules that each team member needs to agree to for this to work.
Anyone joining this combined build must agree to reinvest 6 positions progressively as EACH position earns in multiples of $100 to a total of $594. From thereon, all earnings are for the sole use of each member. The power of 6 is HUGE. Do not get distracted by the first few hundred dollars, we are building our future here, for each and everyone in the Revival Team.

This is the total commitment for each and every position. Hereafter all earnings are paid directly to members daily. For each and every position purchased the same rule MUST apply. This will ensure quick growth of the matrix and bring far greater rewards.

Each member may purchase as many positions as they wish at this early stage, just ensure you set aside the time required to manage multiples positions.

As the membership grows, this has the possibility of becoming self sustaining, with the increase in team earnings and also continued reinvestment strategy. The funds from this could be earmarked to help boost other slow and/or stalled programs. The entry to WTIA is $99 a year. Therefore, when all rejoin the next year, we will have created a residual income.

Reinvestment will commence as soon as each member has $100 in earnings. This will purchase the first reinvest spot and will continue for each position until a total of 6 has been purchased. Anyone that you place MUST agree to reinvest according to our Revival Team Plan. The placement of these will be in each members downline in the next available open spot, using the link of that member to ensure he/she has qualifiers.

We have negotiated a forced matrix build with Admin and owner Rick Matthews. Each member will join from the Team position this will ensure even growth and simplify the system for all. We are extremely grateful for the assistance provided by the owner of WTIA

So to recap, anyone wishing to join our WTIA build MUST agree to follow the rules. If instructions are not followed to the letter, the WTIA position will be moved from within our build and placed separately outside of our matrix.

1) Purchase position(s) for $99/ea.

2) Each postion must use the first earnings to purchase 6 more positions in their downline.

3) Reinvestment positions MUST be bought under the Team link.

4) 6 positions in total must be bought for each and every position in the matrix.

5) Benefactoring - these 6 positions may be gifted to other deserving individuals.
(This is an amazing concept for teams and large list holders, in time it will be possible to gift to all with this system, do the MATH, 6x6x6x6 and so on.)

To get on the list to be benefactored in, send your name and email address to iwillreinvest @ gmail.com/

There are a couple of interesting promotions currently including a BOGOF special. Check out the REVIVAL TEAM WEB SITE: RevivalMembers.com .:. Where Everyone Enjoys Success! for more details.