Hi everyone,

I must say "Thank You" to the many interested people in my top two programs. B l o w i n' me away the last 3 days.

I have had many requests for contact info and Q&A that I thought posting in forum would reach many much faster than me PMing so many people back.

Contact info at FantasticPay

Northern Coupon (FantasticPay) Phone 1-705-866-8455

Email: [email protected]
Northern Coupon is a registered business in the province of Ontario, Canada since 2004.
(Business registery number 141367888)
FantasticPay is copyright of:
Northern Coupon
448 Dupont St.
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

After you sign up Register with FantasticPay Forum

All new comers check post for update 26 May 06 for valuable information on FantasticPay.

Keep PMing me if you need anything at all. If I don't have an immediate answer I will locate it as soon as I can.
