I am a member of traffic dinar and just received some email's from
the owner indicating that More Than Traffic is probably a scam.
Now, the owner of Traffic Dinar is being sued! Just goes to show that
even defamation of a company on the internet is punishable. Wow!
Wonder what will come of this! Here is the battle so far:
More Than Traffic Scam


MoreThanTraffic.com is setting the Internet on FIRE but is it a clever scam design to rake in millions of hard earned cash?

My gut feeling is that “More Than Traffic” is running a well designed marketing scam that convinces people to pay the $169 domain hosting fee in hopes that they will finally generate the traffic they always wanted. More Than Traffic makes claims to deliver $100,000 in sales to any opportunity or business and they won’t charge for these sales in advance. More Than Traffic claims to only get paid 15% of the $100,000 only AFTER they create the sales for you. More Than Traffic claims to create $100,000 in sales for anyone in 4 months time.

WOW, This sounds to good to be true!

According to their "terms", you won't receive a refund of your domain / hosting fee, (The $169 minimum buy in), they'll just transfer control of it to you. So really, they never do have to deliver, and meanwhile they'll make a FORTUNE on the $169 required in order to setup an account. Because More Than Traffic is delivering on the domain / hosting they protect themselves because they're really not doing anything illegal. But again, to be fair we are conducting the test so everyone can have concrete proof. DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH!

More Than Traffic has already raked in tens of thousands!

Seems like, the more unbelievable the offer is the more money people will spend to get in. Most of these people are looking to get rich over night for doing nothing but these types of ventures simply DON’T exist. If you’re looking to promote your current offer or website and are searching for unique ways to get your message across OR you're just looking to MAKE SOME EXTRA CASH, I suggest you look into FSB. Free Style Business is our latest project! If you’re sick and tired of HYIPs and other scams take a position in our team.

The information is FREE to anyone, just click Free Style Business then (Next Step) and then (NDA). I will require you to fill out a non disclosure agreement before I allow you inside the website and share my invention with you. It’s a real thought out and ingenious marketing plan not a million dollar promise. Take a look! I’m happy to report that we have 3 kids now and for those of you who would like to see what we look like visit here: Click Here


Response from More Than Traffic:

From: <@morethantraffic.com>
To: <@********.com>
Subject: Legal Notice: Luis Garcia

Legal Notice Luis Garcia,

Private & Confidential, Without PrejudiceLegal, Notice under and in accordance with UK law


Re- Defamation and resultant Corporate loss

It has been brought to our attention that you are disseminating false rumours based on no evidence or expert advice or permission. We are in an excellent position to rectify this position and to make you aware, under UK law we contact you today in closed letter, to make you aware that our UK solicitors have today instructed one Internet lawyer based in you area to act on our behalf. We have today delivered the US attorney a document detailing the following;

1. Emails containing defamatory unfounded claims; in factual material pertaining to MoreThanTraffic.com and its business activities, together with IP addresses and delivery data.

2. Cache copy of your web sites.

3. Details of recipients that reported your emails and claims to us.

4. Your personal details to serve documentation.

May we highlight that in your state it is against the law to defame or damage another entity by way of false allegations whether it on or offline. I suggest you seek expert legal advice. MoreThanTraffic.com reserves its full rights by UK and US law to proceed against you. We will be seeking financial settlement amongst other criminal and civil
alternatives we have open to us as a company that is at a loss due to your illegal actions. May we assure you that this case will now proceed both criminally and in the
civil courts of your district and we will seek to penalize you to the full extent of any applicable law of your jurisdiction to impound your assets and finances until this matter is brought to court.

Many Thanks

Janet *****

Legal Representative


Luis Garcia Response to More Than Traffic:

To: <@morethantraffic.com>
Subject: Answer : Legal Notice: Luis Garcia
Cc: @trafficdinar.com

I'm not disseminating anything but my opinion...
...Further I'm communicating with members who have signed up to receive my information

Like you I have every ip address of every member I sent the email to proving that they signed up to receive my information. There is plenty of skepticism about your company circulating throughout the Internet. I have yet to find a happy customer?

Luis Garcia

Anonymous Response from a person on the Internet

For and on behalf of More Than Traffic

Hi, I am getting very upset about people like you and others online who are trying their best to destroy MoreThanTraffic.com! There is absolutely NO evidence ANYWHERE that proves that MoreThanTraffic.com is a scam! Every time one of you people send out an email like this you are hurting MY profits! I am not the owner or operator of MoreThanTraffic, but I am an affiliate and a client! I have seen absolutely nothing on any forum or ANYWHERE online that proves without a shadow of a doubt that this is a scam! I understand that everything they offer may seem too good to be true, BUT you have ZERO evidence and it would not surprise me in the least if you and others online were soon targeted in legal action against you.(not by me!) Are you familiar with the terms "LIBEL" or "SLANDER"? If not I suggest you read a book on law before making any further accusations without having irrefutable evidence. Not only does your email hurt my business, but you are also using the desperation you are causing to profit! Adding your links to your own business ventures in the very same page as your accusations is down right despicable! What if someone were to label your site a scam? Would you try to refute the claim? Of course you would. But if 20000 different people claimed your site was a scam wouldn't you just close the site because of the bad publicity? Again, of course you would! YOU PEOPLE MAY BE CAUSING THIS RIGHT NOW! In effect that may cause everyone to believe it truly was a scam even if it was legitimate to begin with! Plain and simple. If you claim you are an honest hard working network marketer, NUMBER 1 rule of thumb is DON'T BAD MOUTH OTHER PROGRAMS!!!!! Negativity breeds more negativity! Eventually your own negativity will backfire on your own online ventures!

If Morethantraffic.com turns out to truly be a scam, I will personally let you know how they ripped me off.(But I will not make that public because of possible legal action against me should I do so.) If on the other hand they turn out to be legit, I would expect that you refute your initial claim that it is a scam and include that in an email to all the members of your list that received your so called SCAM WARNING. I can't make you do this, but a truly ethical business person would feel obligated to do so. Sorry if you find this to be rude but I am sick of seeing good opportunities destroyed by claims that they are a scam. Don't forget, I am a real person like you trying to make a living online and I really am not trying to target YOU personally. Your email was simply the STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMELS BACK! I had to get this off my chest and I hope I have not offended you too badly.

Signed Anonymous.

PS- This is a private communication between you and myself! I do NOT give my consent to have this email viewed publicly! If you feel the need to post this publicly anyways, My name and email address are my private property and must not be included!


Private Response to my network:

I'm getting hammered again for expressing my opinion on a "To Good to Be True Offer". I can't hold back no matter how hard I try because I've been around the Internet block for a long time. Why wait to see the masses get burned before publishing information about a particular company? You will find below that I'm being SUED for DEFAMATION by MORETHANTRAFFIC.COM and notice their threat came 10 minutes after I sent out my scam warning.

Then I get an email by someone who has been promoting them for a short time. This person just wants to make a quick buck and claims that I'm hurting his profits. This person can't say or confirm that he's generating or making profits with MORETHANTRAFFIC.COM but he's telling me to SHUT UP because he wants to make a quick buck promoting them. This is the same junk I got attacked for when I published an article about 12DP.

I can smell dirt when I'm around it!