Welcome to Global-Prime-Fund

Global-Prime-Fund.Com is exactly as the name suggests, a Global

Prime Monetary Fund where the members enjoy the benefits of great

returns on their investments with us.

Global-Prime-Fund already boasts a large private membership

exclusive of our new Internet venture. Funds collected from our new

online investment opportunities will be piggy-backed with our

existing members funds into lucrative opportunities around the

world and spread over various different global markets.

Global-Prime-Fund has holdings in equity stakes, debentures

(company debt yielding high returns), stocks, futures, startup

companies, commodities and life insurance policy purchasing for

real estate.

Your earnings are not dependent on new money entering the system as

is the normal with many hyip programs that have no real investment

opportunities, those are commonly known as ponzi schemes meaning

that many will lose out to ensure that others gain. We do not

believe in or endorse that type of business model or employ it and

your money is completely safe with Global-Prime-Fund.

The Global-Prime-Fund investment strategies team have had nearly

220 years combined experience with private investment portfolios,

trading, market predicting and foreign currency exchange

mechanisms, so you can be assured that we have just what it takes

to place your funds into the right fiscal opportunities. While our

investment portfolio might not appear very interesting or exciting

to the layman, the rewards most certainly are.

After months in planning stage and many hours spent with both

promotors and potential members we are confident that this

opportunity will be joined by many people in just a few days once

the promotion team do their thing. If they are as good as they

claim to be then a huge membership in the thousands can be expected

during the early stages.

Global-Prime-Fund offers startup investment opportunities from as

little as $20 to whatever figure you wish to invest. This money is

then piggy-backed with money from existing investors, many of which

are larger capital investors.

With Global-Prime-Fund, your principal is always safe in any of our

assorted opportunities.

Global-Prime-Fund upto 10% daily for 30 days

30 Day Global Prime Fund
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Bronze Global Fund $20 - $100 6.00
Silver Global Fund $101 - $250 7.25
Gold Global Fund $251 - $1,000 8.50
Platinum Global Fund $1,001 and more 10.00
Calculate your profit >>
Global Compounder 45 days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Global Compounder Starter $20 - $500 6.75
Global Compounder Advanced $501 - $1,000 7.45
Global Compounder Super Advanced $1,001 - $5,000 8.15
Calculate your profit >>

All payments are made to your account daily.
Minimum spend is $20 USD and there is no maximum.
You may make additional spends as often as you wish to.
Global-Prime-Fund has many different payment processors that you

can use:
E-Gold, E-Bullion, AlertPay, Safepay, Paypal and Even Credit Card

Use our referal program and earn up to 12.50% of referal deposits!

Our first level referrals bonuses: Name From To Commision (%)
Bronze Promoter 1 9 7.50
Silver Promoter 10 19 10.00
Gold Promoter 20 and more 12.50

Our other levels referal bonuses (not depending on number):
Level 2: 2.50%

For more information, visit


Added for discussion
