About Us
5weeksclub is a private online investment club based on Real Estate and cooperating with the most reliable funds and activities.When we have 5,000 investors,we will not accept any new investor.We actually rent and sell houses.But we need funds to buy houses first.There're big profits in it.So we can share you 50% of your deposits in 5 weeks.

How It Works
MIN $25
MAX $250,000

If you invest $1,000 today,you'll get paid $102.5 after a week,and $205 after 2 weeks,$307.5 after 3 weeks,$410 after 4 weeks,$512.5 after 5 weeks.Your total return is $102.5+$210+$307.5+$410+$512.5=$1,537.5.

Our min spend is $25.If you make a deposit less than $25
it will be considered as donation to us.

Referral Commissions

5 Weeks Club e-gold account)

10% referral commissions

Your referral commissions will be paid in 24 hours

Weekly Referral Contest now start!
1st place $80
2nd place $40
3rd place $20
You don't need to be an active investor to join our referral contest


[email protected]

For more information, visit

5 Weeks Club

Added for discussion
