I would like to take the time to welcome you all to TradeGlobal.biz. This is the only hyip that will deliver payments and withdrawals in the time we give. Payments are always made on time. We will also have our own personal rating page. You come to rate us and we will work hard to earn the trust of everyone. Thank you for your time.

Program Plans

150% after 1 day 200% after 2 days
TG 1 $10 - 50 110% TG 1 $1 - 50 120%
TG 2 $51 - 200 115% TG 2 $51 - 200 130%
TG 3 $201 - 500 120% TG 3 $201 - 500 150%
TG 4 $501 - 1000 135% TG 4 $501 - 1000 175%
TG 5 $1001 - 5001 150% TG 5 $1001 & more 200%

250% after 3 days 350% after 4 days
TG 1 $50 - 100 135% TG 1 $100 - 200 210%
TG 2 $101 - 200 155% TG 2 $201 - 500 230%
TG 3 $201 - 500 185% TG 3 $501 - 1000 260%
TG 4 $501 - 1000 220% TG 4 $1001 - 5000 300%
TG 5 $1001 & more 250% TG 5 $5001 & more 350%

80% daily for 5 days 65% daily for 8 days
TG 1 $50 - 100 35% TG 1 $100 - 200 30%
TG 2 $101 - 200 50% TG 2 $201 - 500 40%
TG 3 $200 - 1000 650% TG 3 $501 - 1000 50%
TG 4 $1001 - 5000 750% TG 4 $1001 - 5000 60%
TG 5 $5001 & more 80% TG 5 $5001 & more 65%

TradeGlobal Referral System
Level Referral Count Commision (%)
TG 1 1 - 10 1
TG 2 11 - 100 5
TG 3 100 and more 10

For more information, visit


Added for discussion


