Hello everyone!
I have some good news, and some very good news, lol. I've been investing in one company which was by the working offline for the past couple of years, the company is located in Austria and i'm glad that some of my friends there helped me out with the investments cause they didn't have an online division till NOW! I've made the first investment in this company 2 years ago and i'm still investing till now. Today they have launched their website which is fully automated and has 3 invseting plans. I'm confident that they will work for at least another 2 or 3 years minimum cause they are doing really well and when all the investors heard that they are going online they were shocked, in the good way of course. I think this will change the HYIP industry forever, nevertheless, it will make its investors lots of profit. I've talked to their support and asked if i could make their website public but they dissagreed, but still, they let me to spread the word around to my friends, well, let's just say that you guys, are my friends, lol. I won't type the URL public, but if you are interested in this send me a PM and i will tell you everything you want to know about this company and its past.