This is what i have on my account today:

"Congratulations Mark, you already have 8233 Members and 34777 Preenrollees in your Powerline...and it's still growing!"

We are so excited about the tremendous growth that Pro Wealth Solutions has seen over the past 6 days, this is just amazing! Lets keep up the growth and lets set some records! Set a goal for yourself - and lets help you achieve it!

In just 6 days, there are already - over 8248 members and over 34,800 pre-enrollees ! Just think of where we will be in 2 months, 4 months, 6 months? This is incredible! Never before has such an amazing global opportunity presented itself just like this - anyone in the world can join!

Remember - Upgrading your spot by Thursday will do 3 things
1: it guarantees that you will earn a check
2: puts you above all the pre-enrollees who don't upgrade - so that when they do - they will have to fall below you in the powerline - and quite possibly in the matrix.
3: give you a check without ever enrolling anyone.

Isn't that powerful!