Supply & demand in India PCB market reached the imbalance of 1.2 millionData source:PCB Partner  2010-01-06keywords:India PCB market
[PCBPartner Report-PCB Industry News]The Ministry of Science under Indian government recently expects that PCB industry will be an annual increase of 30%. While the current value of PCB was only 1.18 billion rupee, compared to the domestic demand of 2.39 billion rupee, which shaped a difference of up to 1.21 billion. Many overseas and domestic PCB makers. stepped back under the financial crisis. Statistics from Indian Ministry of Science shows the required investment for the balance between demand and supply will reach 15billion rupee.

Market research showed that although India repeatedly referred to "30%" increase over the past 10-15 year period, the circuit board production base in India is very small,and more than 160 vendors will create an annual output of only about $180 million. Even the local Indian number one, the second circuit board manufacturer's annual revenue totaled only 45 million U.S. dollars. If they only rely on India itself to achieve the balance between supply and demand of circuit board, it will take several years to complete. "What's imperative, we need to import more circuit board from China."

In face of the strong demand from Indian market, a lot of China's PCB manufacturers have indicated that although they know there is a demand, it's difficult for them to contact with the requesters. In fact, this is a popular problem for PCB industry to expand oversea markets. “As the global economic integration, China's PCB suppliers have early integrated into the global supply chains. PCB Partner has realized it and is still devoted to the optimization of global PCB supply chains." Xiao Yang, the chief operation organizer of Shenzhen PCB Partner Information Technology Co., Ltd. said, "PCB Partner owns the real global PCB information database, whose buyers are mainly distributed in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Germany, Japan, India and other 36 countries and regions. Moreover, the information has all been checked in order to ensure its truth and accuracy.

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