Fyfy - Decentralized autonomous organization in which the development power is transferred to the community. We aim to exclude intermediaries, reduce transfer times, and make micropayments profitable.

What is Fyfy?

Fyfy is a B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Customer), and P2P (Peer-to-peer) blockchain-based ecosystem, which offers fast, low-cost, user-friendly, and secure transactions of crypto assets. The ecosystem focuses heavily on solving issues of micropayments. Moreover, fyfy is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in which the development power is transferred to the community.

Our focus is to ease cryptocurrency transfers and payments with cryptocurrency assets. We aim to exclude intermediaries, reduce transfer times, and make micropayments profitable. These features are not possible with traditional payment systems. However, Fyfy has a significant advantage over its competitors by offering smaller transaction fees, better user experience, and instant transfers. Therefore, we introduce Governance Token (FYFY Token) and Fyfy Pay.

Our products

Fyfy Pay
Fyfy Pay makes transfers between Fyfy wallets or other cryptocurrency wallets in the Solana network. It is an app installed on your mobile device, a web-based plugin, or an extension on your personal computer.

Fyfy Swap
Fyfy Swap will allow merchants to receive payments in stablecoin like USDC. We will swap customer cryptocurrency payment to stablecoin and pay it to the merchant. It is integrated into Fyfy Pay.

Fyfy Wallet
Default storage system is the Fyfy wallet. It has a mobile and web-based app for better integration. Third party wallets supporting the Solana Blockchain may be supported in the near future. Multi-chain support may be implemented as well to support token swaps from an alternative Blockchain for better interoperability.

Fyfy 1-click
The approach of designing Fyfy Pay is to make the payment process as easy as possible. Fyfy 1-Click is Simple 1-click payment plugin for making cryptocurrency payments easily from one user to the other

Fyfy NFT
In the near future, FYFY launches its own NFT platform which will allow users to buy and sell their digital valuables such as videos, game characters, pictures, music, and other items that can be stored in a digital form.