the thermostat in our freezer broke yesterday. Since a replacement replacement part must be ordered and is not cheap, I intend to make the emergency solution workable in the future. I installed a waterproof DS18B20 on the ESP8266 and a Shelly plug to turn the freezer on and off. The temperature control is done in ioBroker, but I'm not really happy with it because it stopped working well last night. I think the Wi-Fi connection is not stable enough, and I like to switch to the independent temperature control performed by ESPEASY. I have a Sonoff basic on my desk that can turn the freezer on/off, and the ds18b20 can be plugged in.

The problem for me is the rule and the function of importing the set value. My idea is that the set value should be imported, like MQTT from ioBroker, but if there is a problem (connection loss or startup, etc.), the set value should be used from the standard value that is stored in espeasy.

The temperature control itself should work as a 2-point control. turn it on if the temperature is 1°C above the set value. turn it off if the temperature is equal to the set value.

Do you think this is a good solution that doesn't require much effort to implement?
Starting from this point to flash Sonoff, but I have a large volume of MQTT imports. it hasn't worked for me yet, and in this case it should be very stable.

Do you have any ideas or tips on how best to do this?