Quote Originally Posted by Gat4CA
If I may ask, what is the basis for trusting another one. DUE DILEGENCE : What does it really consist of for the average busy person? : a Google search,a friend who's been "in" for a month ,6 months?, a phone call with the Admin?
When I read this in a post by Gary in another thread over here I thought... isn't this a great question for the testimonials section?
Personally, I'm rather curious about how much Due Diligence is done by the average & not so average members.

Moreover, it might render some advise which can serve members exploring other programs as well... (As I've seen already some interesting posts in other threads.) But I suggest to keep that as off topic side comments: I'm well aware that most experienced members might not be so keen to go public with their whereabouts. Also, not all members can be expert DD's (as then the program's CEO's wouldn't be doing anything other than inviting candidate members big and small, offices nothing but copying original documents as evidence,... Therefore, it might be wiser if at least the smaller 'shrimps' among us would start or join an existing group with a trusted representative who does the DD and who doesn't need a thread like this.) Finally, suppose P*P* is true... those people with a thorough knowledge of the financial world in & outside the box... those who do the most reliable DD... might be asking different questions in their DD than 90% of us do. But still, maybe there's at least some knowledge to be shared.