www.cashamplifier.com is

* for everyone
* who is willing to earn money on the internet
→ You engage new users
→ New users pay
→ You receive money from such payments.
* the www.cashamplifier.com is a network multi-level marketing web site
* that is easy to use and unique tool to earn money

Your www.cashamplifier.com web site checklist and flow

1. You freely sign up on the web site (you become a superior of your branch)
2. and start engaging 1st level subordinates (by spreading your personal Direct URL or AD Text)
Direct URL is a hyperlink you should use when recommending this web site to your friends. After someone opened www.cashamplifier.com using your Direct URL and passed sign up process - he will become your subordinate.
AD Text is pre-prepared short www.cashamplifier.com web site advertisement (with your Direct URL integrated in). You can place this AD Text on your web site / blog / forum etc. Thus engaging of your new subordinates will be easier for you. It can be saved on this web site so it will always be available for you. We recommend doing this - in this case other web site users would be able to see it and vote for it.
3. Once 1st level subordinates freely registered on the web site
4. they start looking up for their own 1st level (and yours 2nd level) subordinates.
5. 2nd level subordinates are freely registering on the web site.
6. Only now you are expected to pay on time web site $15 activation fee.
$15.00 Activation Fee has to be paid once. Right after paying activation fee your account will be activated and you will be able to transfer earned money from you www.cashamplifier.com account balance to your external bank account.
7. Along with two foregoing steps 2nd level subordinates looking up for their 1st level (and your 3rd level) subordinates.
8. Thus 3rd level subordinates are freely registering on the web site
9. this again causes web site one time activation fee payments but now by your 1st level subordinates.
10. You receive you first web site wage from foregoing payments.
11. Now gradually comes your 2nd through 11th level subordinates' one time site $15 activation fee payments.
12. Your web site income is increasing exponentially; see calculations example (a $1 for every 1st through 11th subordinate's payment).

For more information, visit

Added for discussion
