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  1. #461
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    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced the completion of the draft is not fears of oil and gas
    26 / 02 / 2007

    He said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today the two that the government had approved a draft bill and the oil Gas will be sent to the Parliament for the purpose of voting upon Yeh soon. Al-Maliki said in a press conference in Baghdad today that the stricken words blaming the Iraqi Accomplished "bill of oil and gas hour by advancing to the House of Representatives. " Al-Maliki added that the new law Amb reached the Yeh deals with "the management of oil operations on the basis of the founders e and taking into account the full application of Article 11, Article 11 two of the Constitution, which makes the wealth of oil and gas property of the Iraqi people. "

    He added that the wording of the agreement that had been reached "weave m with nature approved by the federal Constitution and entitled protected the highest benefit of the people of Iraq. "

    Al-Maliki said that the agreement that was reached Lokve h area for the development of this important sector and the manner in which pw Fils private investment and the transfer of skills and Altknolo Giat, which requires legislative and political stability in a for the oil sector, which apparently believes that the flow and the skills.

    " He described Al-Maliki legislation that the new law e "option and the huge national achievement for all Iraqis and stuck sincere, It will have a positive impact on consolidating and decisive n SAGE all components of the Iraqi people. " He said, "The reformer e Supreme Iraq are the main reasons for this legislation a the law is the basic criteria invoked by government approval. "

    Completion of this law and the Iraqi government might be right life calculated made significant investments in the area of the law where Seth pw ratification of this law the way for companies global investment in Iraq in this sector. Terminate this Agreement and the long months of controversy and Alemba Hathat between the central government and the territorial government Kurds j terms of this law will open the way for the authorities Alagh Compressor for negotiating oil contracts with foreign companies e.

    Under the new law the government will have to Mark uniform restructuring of the Iraqi National Oil Company Elts hoarse holding company independent, The government will have to form an administrative structure for oil e task of putting together a new policy and the national oil .

  2. #462
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    Iraq's oil is distributed to the regions according to the number of population

    (صوت العراق) - 27-02-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 27-02-2007
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    عبد المهدي ينجو من محاولة اغتيال ورايس تقرّع الد يمقراطيينAbdul-Mahdi escape from an assassination attempt, Rice knocks father Imcratein

    بغداد - “الخليج”، وكالات:Baghdad - "Gulf", and agencies :

    نجا نائب الرئيس العراقي عادل عبد المهدي ووزير ال اشغال امس من محاولة اعتداء واصيبا بخدوش طفيفة، فيما قتل عشرة واصيب ثلاثون في تفجير قنبلة داخل قا عة اجتماعات الوزارة.Escaped Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdel Mahdi, and Minister of works yesterday from an attempted assault and suffered minor abrasions. With killed and ten injured in the bombing of the 30th bomb inside had requested Eh meetings of the ministry. ولقي 29 عراقيا آخرون بينهم 8 عسكريين حتفهم في هجم ات متفرقة، وتعهد زعماء العراق بتنفيذ قانون النفط بحلول نها ية مايو/ ايار، وهو ينص على توزيع العائدات على الأقاليم وفق النس ب السكانية، في وقت قرر الاطباء ابقاء الرئيس جلال الطالباني ل ايام عدة في مستشفى مدينة الحسين الطبية بالعاصمة الاردنية حيث عاده الملك عبد الله الثاني، وشددت وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية كوندوليزا رايس ، التي شنت هجوماً على الديمقراطيين، على ان الرئيس جورج بوش سيفعل ما يعتقد انه الصواب ب غض النظر عن محاولات الديمقراطيين تقييد يديه عن ا لعمل في العراق.He found 29 others including eight Iraqi soldiers died in the attacked AT sporadic, The leaders pledged to Iraq by the implementation of the oil Nha Yeh May, It provides for the distribution of proceeds to the regions according Alens b population, at the time doctors decided to keep President Jalal Talabani told several days in the hospital, Hussein Medical City capital where normally Jordanian King Abdullah II, She stressed, the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice , which had launched an attack on Democrats, that President George W. Bush will do what he believed to be right b overlook the Democrats attempts to restrict the hands of a to work in Iraq.

    واعتبر المستشار السياسي لرئيس الوزراء العراقي سامي العسكري ان انفجار قنبلة زرعت داخل قاعة الاج تماعات في وزارة الاشغال يؤكد وجود خرق امني خطير و طالب بتحقيق، فيما اعتبر المجلس الاعلى للثورة الاسلامية الذي ينتمي اليه عبد المهدي ان الاعتداء محاولة لتصفية “الافذاذ الخيرين” من ابناء العراق.The political advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister Sami military that the bomb planted inside the hall Alag Tamaat in the Ministry of Works confirms the existence of serious security breach, student achievement, While the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution, which Abdel-Mahdi belongs to attack an attempt to liquidate "extraordinary benevolent" of the people of Iraq.

    وقال نائب رئيس الوزراء العراقي برهم صالح امس ان ا لزعماء السياسيين في البلاد تعهدوا بالعمل على ني ل موافقة البرلمان على قانون نفط جديد وتنفيذه بحل ول نهاية مايو/ ايار.He said Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih said yesterday that a the political leaders in the country, pledged to work on Nee told parliament's approval on the new oil and its solution AIPAC end of May.

    واضاف ل “رويترز” بعدما وافق مجلس الوزراء على مسو دة القانون بعد شهور من الشد والجذب ان القيادة الس ياسية ملتزمة بالعمل على تنفيذ القانون واللوائح المرتبطة به بحلول نهاية مايو/ ايار 2007.He told "Reuters" after the Cabinet approved the Meso this law after months of rows that leadership Els Jasih is committed to the implementation of the law and regulations associated by the end of May 2007. وقال ان الزعماء يدركون مدى قصر المدى الزمني لبدء التنفيذ لكن الاحتياجات الاقتصادية والسياسية ل لبلاد تتطلب منهم ان يكونوا “على مستوى التحدي”.He said that leaders were aware of the short-term timeframe for the start But the implementation of economic and political needs of the country requires them to be "equal to the challenge."

    وينص مشروع قانون النفط الجديد على توزيع العائدا ت على الأقاليم وفقاً للنسب السكانية، حسب ما أعلن رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي.The draft law on the distribution of the new oil Abada T. territories and according to the proportions of the population, According to the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

    وقال المالكي إن هذا القانون، الذي يستهدف بصفة خاصة طمأنة السنة إلى أنهم سيحصل ون على نصيب عادل من الثروة النفطية، “سوف يكون له تأثيره الايجابي والحاسم في ترسيخ (ا لتوحد بين) جميع مكونات الشعب العراقي”.Al-Maliki said that this law, , which aims in particular to reassure the year they will get won a fair share of the oil wealth, , "will have a positive impact and decisive in establishing (a to unite) all components of the Iraqi people. "

    وأكد أن “الاعتبارات الفنية والقانونية التي حكم ت مواد هذا القانون استندت إلى الاعتبارات الوطني ة العامة”.He emphasized that "the technical considerations and the legal rule T. articles of this law based on national considerations e Assembly. "

    وتابع “نهدي هذا القانون لكل العراقيين ونتمنى أن يكون فاتحة خير ورفاه”، مشيراً إلى أنه سيؤدي إلى استخدام “الثروة (النفط ية) لمصلحة العراق ورفاهية الشعب العراقي”، وملمحاً إلى أنها أهدرت في عهد الرئيس السابق صدام حسين ولم تنفق في مكانها الصحيح.He continued : "This law will give all Iraqis, and we hope that be a good omen for the well-being, " He pointed out that would lead to the use of "wealth (oil Yeh) in the interest of Iraq and the welfare of the Iraqi people. " and noting that it lost in the era of former President Saddam Hussein has spent in the right place.

    من جهة اخرى قالت وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية في مقا بلات منفصلة مع ثلاث شبكات تلفزيونية امريكية بثت الليل قبل الماضي ان بوش لن يتعايش مع اي قرار قد يصد ره الكونجرس يقيد قدرته على الحركة بشأن العراق.On the other hand, the American Secretary of State in Mega Platt separately with the three American television networks broadcast the night before last, that Bush will not coexist with any decision may deter danger Congress restricts its ability to move on Iraq. وقالت ان بوش سيرفض بالتأكيد اي قرار بخفض عدد القو ات او خفض تمويلها في العراق، واشارت الى ان كبار الجنرالات هم الذين اوصوا بزيا دة عديد القوات في العراق، وقالت “لا استطيع ان اتخيل ان يجد الجنرالات انفسه م في ظرف تكبح فيه مرونتهم على الحركة في ميادين الم عارك من قبل اناس هنا في واشنطن يجلسون في الكونجرس ”.She said that Bush certainly will reject any decision to reduce the number of Alco AT or reduced funding in Iraq. She pointed out that senior generals who recommended Pzia this many troops in Iraq. She said, "I can not imagine that the generals find Anvsh m circumstance in which inhibit flexibility of movement in the fields of pain Arik by people here in Washington sitting in Congress . "

    واضافت تعليقا على مشروع قرار يروج له الديمقراطي ون بسحب القوات من العراق خلال 120 يوما “ان الرئيس بصفته القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحة سيفعل كل ما ت حتاجه الولايات المتحدة”.She commented on the draft resolution promoted by the democratic Wen withdraw its forces from Iraq within 120 days, "President in his capacity as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces will do everything T. Hatajeh the United States. " واعتبرت ان دعوة الديمقراطيين الى تعديل وتغيير ا لسياسة في العراق مردودة عليهم لانهم لا يريدون ذل ك، بل يسعون الى تقييد الرئيس ومنعه من العمل.The invitation to the Democrats to amend and change a the policy in Iraq beneficial to them because they do not want the yoke k, but are seeking to restrict the president and prevent him from working. وطالبت اعضاء الكونجرس بأن يتحلوا برؤية استبصار ية تتجاوز ما يرونه آنيا.It demanded that the members of Congress have the foresight to see Yeh beyond what they see Anya.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Iraqi News

    Monday, February 26, 2007 ICE carries out 18 gas station renovations in Iraq
    (MENAFN) A Senior Official at the Brigade's Infrastructure Coordination Element (ICE) said that the alliance troops are working jointly with the Iraqi ministry of oil to renovate eighteen gas stations in various areas in the country, Portal Iraq reported. The $180,000 renovation projects include installing new pumps, refurbishing and repainting the perimeter walls as well as building new guard sheds on the pumps, he clarified. The project, which started last November, aims to make gas, diesel and kerosene more handy and reachable to Iraqis everywhere, he explained.
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    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Iraqi News

    Sunday, February 25, 2007 Iraq to carry out $2.5m renovation of Mosul airport
    (MENAFN) Officials at the Nineveh Province Council announced that the Iraqi government has allocated $2.5 million for renovating the Al-Mosul Civilian Airport, Iraq Directory reported. According to the official, the rehabilitation works will include supplying the airport with modern equipment to serve passengers such as modern machines for checking passengers' luggage, along with repairing the airport's runway.
    Copyright ©2000 MENAFN All Rights Reser
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Iraqi News

    Monday, February 26, 2007 Iraq to carry out $270m reconstruction projects
    (MENAFN) An Official at the Iraqi Ministry of Planning announced that the ministry's Strategic Board of Reconstruction has approved eighteen reconstruction projects at a total cost of $270 million, Iraq Directory reported. The approved projects aim to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure and enhance the reconstruction of several regions, be they stable or unstable, in cooperation with the various Iraqi ministries, he said. These eighteen projects have been distributed over the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works to rehabilitate and rebuild water distribution networks, supplies and irrigation systems in different areas in Iraq such as Kirkuk, Erbil, Samarra and so forth, he explained.
    Copyright ©2000 MENAFN All Rights Reserved
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  6. #466
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    Iraqi cabinet agrees draft oil law

    Iraq's cabinet has agreed a draft law which would regulate how the country's oil wealth would be shared between its ethnic and sectarian communities.

    The law, which will now be sent to the parliament for approval, will also set out terms regulating how foreign oil firms will be able to operate in Iraq.
    Barham Salih, Iraq's deputy prime minister and head of the committee that drafted the law, told Reuters news agency on Sunday: "The council of ministers in an extraordinary meeting today approved the draft of the national hydrocarbon law.

    "The law is hoped to enable Iraq to achieve its potential and utilise its revenues for the benefit of all Iraqi people."

    The government of Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, had pledged to reach an agreement on an oil law by the end of 2006 but missed its self-imposed deadline due to Kurdish concerns about relations between the regions and Baghdad.

    After the agreement al-Maliki said: "The benefits of this wealth will form a firm pillar for the unity of Iraqis and consolidate their social structure."

    Federal council

    The Kurdish government had reservations about the wording regarding the powers of a federal council, to be established under the law, which would set oil policy and lay down ground rules for contracts signed with foreign firms.

    Officials from Kurdistan, where relative security has encouraged more development than elsewhere in Iraq, had said they wanted assurances the federal council will not invalidate their existing contracts

    The draft law would allow the Kurdish regional government to review the contracts it has signed to ensure consistency with the terms of the new law, Salih said.

    Regional authorities in Iraq would also be able to negotiate oil contracts with foreign companies.

    "Negotiations can be conducted by the regional authority in accordance with procedures and guidelines established by the Federal Council of Oil and Gas," he added.


    "The negotiations and contracts will have to be based on the main criteria of maximising revenues for Iraqi people."

    The law will also restructure the Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC) as an independent holding company with affiliated regional operating companies.

    "The law ends decades of excessive centralised control over the industry which was often the impediment to development for the sector," Salih said.

    Washington has linked its continuing support for the Shia-led national unity government, which also includes ethnic Kurds and Sunni Arabs, to them passing the law but acknowledges the difficulties it faces in reaching a deal.

    "The oil law is not just an oil law. It's a law about dividing the resources of the country and therefore maintaining the unity of Iraq. So it's not easy," Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, told the Fox News Sunday programme.

    Iraq has the world's second largest proven oil reserves but has been unable to develop them fully because of decades of sanctions under Saddam Hussein and the violence since the US-led invasion in March 2003.

    MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Iraqi cabinet agrees draft oil law

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    Maliki raise oil bill to the House

    (صوت العراق) - 27-02-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 27-02-2007
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    والدكتور برهم احمد صالح يرعى اجتماعا لكسب الاست ثمارات الاجنبيةDr. Barham Ahmed Salih sponsor a meeting to win Alast foreign Thmarat

    الاتحاد: اقر مجلس الوزراء امس الاثنين مسودة مشروع قانون ا لنفط الذي يضمن تقاسم الثروة بين مناطق البلاد كاف ة ويضمن كذلك السيطرة على الايرادات النفطية عبر خ زينة المجلس الوطني للنفط ومن ثم توزع على نسبة الس كان مع مراعاة المناطق المحرومة.واحالت رئاسة مج لس الوزراء مشروع القانون الى مجلس النواب للمصاد قة عليه بعد انتهاء عطلة الفصل التشريعي وطالب رئي س الوزراء نوري المالكي مجلس النواب ان يسرع في الم صادقة على هذا المشروع الذي سيساعد على الازدهار و التنمية ويسهم في تعزيز وحدة العراقيين.Union : the Council of Ministers yesterday, Monday, a draft law for oil, which guarantees the sharing of wealth between regions of the country K. e It also ensures control of the oil revenues through x decoration of the National Oil and then distributed to the proportion of Els taking into account the disadvantaged areas. Karar presidency of the G7 Les Minister bill to the House of Massad Ka by the post-holiday legislative and was asked o Minister Nuri al-Maliki the House of Representatives to expedite its pain true to this project which will help prosperity and development and contributes to the strengthening of the unity of the Iraqis.

    من جانب اخر، عقد برعاية الدكتور برهم احمد صالح نائب رئيس الوز راء اجتماع ضم العديد من المستثمرين الاجانب ورجا ل الاعمال وبعض الوزارات العراقية ذات العلاقة وا تخذ الاجتماع الذي عقد في بناية مجلس الوزراء شكل م لتقى اقتصادي وشارك فيه السادة علي بابان وزير الت خطيط والتعاون الانمائي وفوزي الحريري وزير الصن اعة وكريم وحيد وزير الكهرباء وبيان دزه يي وزير ال اعمار والاسكان والنائب عامرة البلداوي عضو لجنة الاعمار والاستثمار في مجلس النواب.On the other hand, sponsored by Dr. Barham Ahmed Salih Deputy Prime Iluz behind the meeting of several foreign investors and Raja told business and some Iraqi ministries related Wa distorted meeting, which was held in the form of the Council of Ministers Building M. the economic center, in which Messrs. to Papan Minister Walt Anning, development cooperation and Fawzi Hariri and Minister of China took lighter, Karim Wahid, Minister of Electricity and statement Dizah Yi and Minister of reconstruction and Housing and Deputy ones Albldawi member of the Committee Construction and investment in the Chamber of Deputies.
    وتطرق الاجتماع الى قانون الاستثمار واتاحته الم جال الواسع للمستثمرين عبر التسهيلات الكثيرة ال واردة فيه وتطرق الاجتماع ايضا الى قانون النفط ال ذي سيعرض للتصويت في وقت قريب واهمية توفيره المجا ل الاستثماري للكثيرين وتم استعراض الدراسات الم عدة من قبل الحكومة لتحويل بعض القطاعات الصناعية الحكومية الى القطاع الخاص او اقتصاد السوق، بالاضافة الى سبل تحقيق الاتفاق بين البنك الدولي ووزارة الكهرباء بهدف نقل هذا القطاع الى القطاع ا لخاص.Turning to the investment law, and made available pain Tours range of investors across many of the facilities contained therein The meeting also to the law of oil a will be put to the vote in the near future and the importance of providing refuge for many of the investment has been reviewed studies pain several of the government for the conversion of some industrial sectors government to the private sector or the market economy, in addition to ways of achieving agreement between the World Bank , and the Ministry of Electricity to transfer to the private sector a of particular.
    واشار المجتمعون الى ان العامين 2008 و 2009 سيكون حجم الاستثمار فيهما كبيرا رغم انه لم يبدأ بعد، خلال العام الحالي ومنذ وقت اقراره.He pointed out that the last meeting in 2008 and 2009 will be the size of the investment by large, although it has not started yet, during the current year, and since the time of its adoption.
    وبخصوص الوحدات السكنية المراد انشاؤها قدر المج تمعون انها تبلغ مليون ونصف المليون وحدة سكنية لح ل ازمة السكن وتطرق الاجتماع الى ضمان كافة التسهي لات اللازمة للمستثمرين الذين يخوضون في مجال الا سكان.Regarding the housing units to be established as desorption Tma'on they reach one million and a half units Leh for the housing crisis and the meeting had discussed to ensure all Altshi Latt for investors who get in the field only the population.
    وتعهد المستثمرون الاجانب بتقديم الاموال اللاز مة للاستثمار في المجالات التي تناولها اللقاء.He pledged that foreign investors providing funds Allaz away the investment in the areas covered by the meeting.
    ومن جانبه قال بول برنكلي، عن المستثمرين الاجانب: ان هدف فريق إعادة إعمار العراق والتطوير الإقتصا دي هو إنعاش الدور الصناعي، وتقوية إعادة تفعيل المعامل والمصانع العراقية م ن خلال وضع خطط عمل ومجريات إعتماد العقود اللوجست ية.For his part, Paul Bernkli, for foreign investors : The goal of the Iraq reconstruction and development Alaghtassa de is the revival of the industry. re-activating and strengthening the laboratories and factories Iraqi M. n through the development of action plans and the adoption of the happenings contracts Allojst Yeh.
    وأوضح برنكلي أن الإدارة الامريكية ملتزمة أمام ا لحكومة العراقية بجلب مستثمرين لإعادة الإعمار، مشيرا إلى أن اللقاءات التي أجراها مع نائب رئيس ال وزراء العراقي الدكتور برهم احمد صالح “أوضحت الص ورة للجانبين للبدء بالخطوات الفعالة لتطوير الق طاع الصناعي العراقي”.The Bernkli that the American administration is committed to a for the Iraqi government to bring investors to reconstruction, He pointed out that the meetings he held with the Vice-President of Iraqi Minister Dr. Barham Ahmed Saleh, "explained Els the forty of the two sides to initiate effective steps for the development of cascade. Tao industrial Iraq. "
    وأشار إلى ان فريقه يقوم بجولة في جميع المصانع في ا لعراق “لتقديم لائحة إلى الحكومة العراقية بأسما ء المصانع التي سيطبق فيها نظام الخصخصة.” وذكر با ن 60 مليار دولار تخصص للمشاريع الصناعية من شأنها القضاء على البطالة.He pointed out that his team goes on a tour of the factories in a in Iraq, "to provide a list to the Iraqi government Basma automatic factories system will be applied privatization. " The Ba n $ 60 billion allocated for industrial projects would the elimination of unemployment.
    على صعيد اخر ابدت اليابان استعدادها للاستثمار ف ي الحقول النفطية الواقعة في محافظة ذي قار وانشاء مصفى وصفته بالعملاق في المحافظة، وذلك في اطار توظيفها للقرض الذي تعهدت به للعراق و البالغ 3.5 مليار دولار، مؤكدة تخصيصه لتطوير القطاع النفطي في العراق خلا ل الفترة المقبلة.On the other hand, Japan has showed willingness to invest P j oil fields located in the province of Dhi Qar, and the establishment they described a giant refinery in the province. as part of their adaptation to a loan made by Iraq and of 3.5 billion dollars. stressing earmarked for the development of the oil sector in Iraq apart for the coming period.
    ولكن مصدرا مسؤولا في وزارة النفط اكد بان الوزارة تنظر الى القرض الياباني في اطار اولويات خطتها ال متعلقة بتطوير الحقول والمصافي النفطية، حيث من المقرر الاستفادة من هذا القرض لتطوير مصفى البصرة و الوصول بطاقته الانتاجية الى معدلات قيا سية، فضلاً عن انشاء ميناء نفطي عائم يسهم بدوره في استي عاب الزيادات المحتملة للصادرات النفطية مستقبل اً.However, an official source at the Oil Ministry said that the ministry look at the Japanese loan in the context of the priorities of the plan on the development of oil fields and refineries, , where he is scheduled to benefit from the loan to develop refinery Basra and access to productive capacity rates Likya Sey, as well as the establishment of floating oil port, in turn, contributes Este game increases the potential for future oil exports a.
    وتجدر الاشارة الى ان القرض الياباني تحكمه تسهيل ات واسعة ومرنة فيما يتعلق باسعار الفائدة وآجال ا لتسديد.It should be noted that the loan is governed by facilitating Japanese AT broad and flexible with regard to interest rates and a term to pay.
    Last edited by adm; 27-02-2007 at 08:56 AM.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  8. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by buddy54 View Post
    If they peg the dinar does this mean we can't cash in here we have to go over there Iraq to exchange?
    pegging the dinar just means changing the rate, just like today, you can go to any chase bank and buy or sell

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    The 850 migrant families. أبرز سمات نجاح خطةThe most prominent feature of the success of the plan

    (صوت العراق) - 27-02-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 27-02-2007
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    اعادة 850 عائلة مهجرة..The 850 migrant families. أبرز سمات نجاح خطة فرض القانونThe most prominent feature of the success of the plan to impose law
    مؤتمرات ميدانية للمصالحة في المناطق «الساخنة» لتفادي استخدام القوة المفرطةConferences field of reconciliation in areas <hot> to avoid the use of excessive force
    بغداد ـ مازن صاحب:Baghdad Mazen's :
    لم يكن نجاح اجتماع المصالحة الوطنية في جامع ابي ب كر الصديق الوحيد من نوعه في مساعي انهاء الخلافات الطائفية في حي العامل غربي بغداد، مصحوبا بعودة العوائل المهجرة والتي بلغت حسب الأ رقام العراقية الرسمية حوالي 850 عائلة في الأسبو ع الأول من تطبيق الخطة الأمنية.Not the success of national reconciliation meeting at the Mosque of Abu b Kerr friend, the only one of its kind in the good end differences sectarianism in the neighborhood group west of Baghdad. accompanied by the return of displaced families, which amounted to only as Ragam Iraqi official about 850 families in the Alasbo p first application of the security plan.
    وذكر عدد من أهالي منطقة حي العامل لـ «الوطن»، ان هذا التجمع عقد تحت اشراف الوجهاء ورجال الدين و العشائر وبجهد خير من قبل ضباط الجيش والأجهزة الأ منية في المنطقة بعقد صلاة موحدة ومأدبة غذاء الجم عة الماضية على ان تتواصل هذه الصلاة في حسينية شيع ية الجمعة المقبلة.A number of people from the neighborhood group told <homeland>, This gathering was held under the auspices of the dignitaries and clergy and clan and the best effort by the army officers and agencies only Monia in the region holding unified prayer and luncheon amazed Eh years to continue such prayers in a Shiite shrine in front Yeh next Friday.
    وحصل ذات الامر في منطقة حي الجهاد والشرطة الخامس ة، في قطاع الرشيد، احد القطاعات «الساخنة» في المناطق الامنية العش ر لتطبيق خطة فرض القانون.The same thing happened in the Jihad district and the police V e, in the sector of governance, one of the sectors <hot> in the security Esh t for the application of a plan to impose the law.

    استعادة بغداد من الارهابيينRestoration of Baghdad terrorists

    واكد الدكتور احمد الجلبي رئيس لجنة الدعم الشعبي لتطبيق الخطة الامنية انه لمس رغبة حقيقية من الجم يع لاستعادة مناطق بغداد من الارهابيين واقترح جع ل الاسواق في بغداد منطقة سير على الاقدام مع توفير وسائط نقل في داخلها.Dr. Ahmed Chalabi, head of the popular support for the application of the security plan that he sensed a genuine desire of El Jem Regrettably, to restore areas of Baghdad and suggested terrorists Ja l markets in the Baghdad area on foot along with the provision the mass transfer from within. وتواصل اللجنة عقد الاجتماعات الشعبية في مناطق ب غداد المختلفة على جانبي الكرخ والرصافة من اجل ال تقارب بين سكان المدينة من الشيعة والسنة.The Committee continues to hold meetings in popular areas b Baghdad different on the two sides of Karkh and the Basilica for the rapprochement between the city's population of Sunnis and Shiites.


    من جانبه، اعلن القائد الامريكي المسؤول عن امن منطقة الرشي د والمنطقة الخضراء في بغداد عن انخفاض العمليات ا لارهابية بنسبة %60 فضلا عن عودة 25 من العوائل الم هجرة الى منازلها في منطقة الدورة مشيرا الى انه تم صرف مبلغ عشرة ملايين ومائتي الف دولار لتنفيذ 60 م شروعا خدميا في حي الرشيد جنوب غرب بغداد.For his part, The U.S. commander in charge of the security of the Bribery d and the Green Zone in Baghdad, the decline in a the terrorist by 60% as well as the return of 25 families from the pain Migration to their homes in the area pointing out that exchange and the amount of ten million two hundred thousand dollars for the implementation of 60 m attempted service in the Rashid district southwest of Baghdad.
    وقال العقيد براين روبرتز آمر اللواء الثاني التا بع لفرقة الخيالة الاولى المسؤول عن منطقة الرشيد في تصريح خص به «الوطن» ان القوات الامنية العراقي ة تعمل جنبا الى جنب القوات المتعددة لتنفيذ خطة فر ض القانون في بغداد مشيرا الى انه تم تحقيق نجاحات خ لال الايام الماضية منها انخفاض واضح في العمليات الارهابية والتفجيرات والسيارات المفخخة وشن ال هجمات المسلحة على القوات الامنية بنسبة تصل الى % 60 فيما انخفضت اعمال التهجير القسري بنسبة كبيرة بل ان اعدادا من المهجرين عادوا فعلا الى منازلهم.He said Col. Brian Roberts is the second Major Alta Task Mounted hoses to the first charge of the governance In an exclusive interview with <homeland> that the Iraqi security forces e working alongside multinational forces for the implementation of the plan fled z law in Baghdad pointed out that it has been achieving successes x Lal the past few days, including a clear reduction in operations terrorist bombings and car bombs launched the armed attacks on the security forces by up to% 60 decline in the forced displacement by large but the numbers of immigrants have already returned to their homes.
    وبين روبرتز بذل الجهود من اجل تنفيذ مشاريع اعمار ية وخدمية جنبا الى جنب مع خطة فرض القانون موضحا ان ه تم صرف مبلغ عشرة ملايين ومائتي الف دولار لتنفيذ 60 مشروعا في حي الرشيد تشمل اعادة اعمار البنية ال تحتية والمياة والمجاري والكهرباء وخدمات تربوي ة وصحية ورفع القمامة ومشاريع تخص النظافة.Roberts and the efforts for the implementation of reconstruction projects Yeh and service side by side with a plan to impose law explaining that e an amount of ten million and two hundred thousand dollars to implement 60 projects in the neighborhood of governance include the reconstruction of the infrastructure, water, sewerage, electricity and educational services e, health and garbage removal and projects related to cleanliness.
    وتشكل عودة المئات من العوائل المهجرة الى منازله م واختفاء المظاهر المسلحة وانخفاض اعمال العنف ا لطائفي اهم ثلاثة اهداف حققتها الخطة في غضون اسبو عين من تاريخ الشروع بتنفيذها.The return of hundreds of displaced families to their homes m and the disappearance of the armed rallies and a reduction in violence the sectarian three most important achievements of the goals of the plan within Espoo Ain from the date of initiation to implementation.

    تغيير في التكتيكChange in tactics

    ويقول العميد قاسم عطا المتحدث باسم قيادة عمليات بغداد «ان الخطة الامنية تسير كما خطط لها وكما اعل ن عنها وان اعمال العنف بدأت بالانحسار».He says Brigadier Qasim Atta spokesman for the operations Baghdad <that the security plan is also planned as careful n by acts of violence and began to drop>.
    وقال: في ايجاز صحافي «حضرته الوطن»، «هذا الامر دفع (الارهابيين) الى القيام بتفجير ق نابل تحتوي على مواد كيمياوية من مادة الكلور في مح اولة لقتل اكبر عدد من المدنيين لكن قوات الامن لدي ها سبل كثيرة لمعالجة هذه الظاهرة».He said : summarized in a press <attended homeland>, <This payment (terrorists) to be detonated s Nabel containing chemicals of chlorine in pw beginning in order to kill the largest number of civilians but the security forces to the Here are many ways to deal with this phenomenon>.
    واضاف «ان الجماعات المسلحة تحاول تغيير تكتيكها ونتوقع محاولة تصعيدهم لاعمال العنف وكل شيء يخضع للتحليل وتقييم المعلومات».He added <that the armed groups are trying to change tactics We expect attempt their escalation of the violence, and everything is subject the analysis and evaluation of information>.
    واعتبر اعادة 850 عائلة عراقية مهجرة لاسباب طائف ية الى منازلها ابرز ما تحقق حتى الان في تطبيق خطة ف رض القانون في عدد من احياء بغداد منها الراشدية وح ي العدل وحي الجهاد وحي السلام وسبع البور ومنطقة ا لفضل وغيرها من المدن المحيطة بالعاصمة بغداد، مؤكدا استمرار قوات الامن باعادة العوائل المهجر ة الى مساكنها.The 850 family of the Iraqi migrant for reasons Saddamist Yeh to their homes highlighted what has been achieved so far in implementing the plan P bruises law in a number of districts in Baghdad, which as at 16 May 2003 65 II Rashidiyyah j Justice inspired jihad inspired by the peace and seven undeveloped and the a the preferred and other cities around the capital Baghdad. he said security forces to expatriate families e to their homes.
    واشار عطا الى ان عدد الجثث مجهولة الهوية التي كان ت تعثر عليها قوات الامن العراقية يوميا انخفض بشك ل كبير وملحوظ، اذ كانت الشرطة تعلن عن العثور على ما معدله من عشري ن الى اربعين جثة يوميا وبعد تنفيذ الخطة اصبح معدل الجثث التي يعثر عليها يتراوح من سبع الى عشر جثث يو ميا وان هذا العدد في انخفاض.He pointed out that the number of Atta unidentified corpses, which was T. default by the Iraqi security forces a day decreased suspicion for large and noticeable, police announced that they were unable to find an average of two tenths n the 40th day after the body of the implementation of the plan became rate the bodies found range from seven to ten corpses U Maya, and that this number is declining.
    كما تم افتتاح مستشفيين في بغداد كانا تحت سيطرة ال مسلحين وهما مستشفى الكرامة ومستشفى الكرخ في منط قة الكرخ القريبة من شارع حيفا وتم اعادة افتتاح ال مستشفيين من قبل القائد العام لعمليات بغداد الفر يق الاول عبود هاشم قنبر، اذ عاد الاطباء والممرضون والمرضى الى المستشفيي ن وباشروا العمل بشكل طبيعي وان المستشفيين تحت سي طرة قوات الامن وهي تقوم بتوفير الحماية للمرضى وا لمراجعين.It was the opening of two hospitals in Baghdad were under the control of two gunmen Hospital dignity and Karkh Hospital in Ment Ka-Karkh near Haifa Street was re-opening of two hospitals by the commander-in-chief of Baghdad run first forth Abboud Hashim Qambar, since then doctors, nurses and patients to Almschevie n, and they started working normally and Hospitals under the CNN Tora security forces and providing protection for patients Wa the auditors.
    الوطن الكويتيةKuwaiti homeland
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Announcement No.(872)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 872 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Tuesday 2007/ 2/ 27 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 14 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1281 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ----- -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 81.545.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) -----
    Total offers for buying (US $) 81.545.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ----- -----

    D.G. of Investments

    Daily price Bulletin buying and selling Tuesday 2007/2/27

    Currency Code
    Selling Price In IQD
    Buying Price In IQD

    US Dollar

    European Euro

    British Pound

    Canadian Dollar

    Swiss Franc

    Swedish Krona

    Norwegian Kroner

    Danish Krone

    Japanese Yen

    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

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