I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to jackpotptc.com

WIN $250-WIN $250-WIN $250

Jackpotptc is simple easy and FUN
Here is how it works

Basic Members get paid
$0.0005 per click
$0.0005 per referral click

With a $0.25 pay out minimum

We only charge our Advertisers $0.001 per click so that’s all we can afford to pay you for clicks any other site that promises high pay per click but has low advertising cost is most likely a scam or will become a scam.

If you want a chance at win multiple jackpots just upgrade to

Premium member for only $1.99

When you upgrade you became a jackpot member
$1.00 per click
$1.00 per referral click

With a $250.00 jackpot entry into the drawing you can have multiple $250.00 jackpot entrees

Drawings can happen once per week, once per day, once an hour and even once every 10 minutes the more money we make the more $250.00 jackpots we can pay out.

So here is how it works for every $750.00 in Revenue we earn 1 lucky member will win the $250.00 jackpot

Pre- Launch recruiting contest
(For Premium members only)

The member with the most referrals will win a cash prize of $125.00 when we do our first $250.00 drawing

As a member you have access to detailed statistics of your earnings and your referral's activity.

jackpotptc.com for Advertisers

We offer the lowest priced advertisement packages for your online campaigns.

1,000 clicks for $1.50
2,000 clicks for $2.50
4,000 clicks for $4.50
8,000 clicks for $8.50
16,000 clicks for $16.50
32,000 clicks for $32.50

Members can click your ad once per 24 hours and their visit will last at least 20 seconds.

• Choose from a variety of packages
• Access detailed statistics of your campaign
• Demographical targetting
• Premium Only filter
• Free outside visitor clicks
• Advanced anti-cheat protection

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.