Welcome to HelenCJ.com
Here you can earn money online for REAL!

How It Works:
We display banners, text links or product links of our sponsored Advertisers on our website. In return, Advertisers pay commission to us when a visitor makes a lead or a sale through their websites.
All you have to do is complete one or many of our featured offers then collect your cash!

How to start:
FIRST, sign up to become a HelenCJ member,
once you signed up, check your email immediately,
just follow the LINK and you are done.
Now, you can login to your account and choose the offers that interest you.
If you need an or account, click on the logo to sign up.
If you need more information regarding our program, contact us by using the contact form.

Members guide:
- Must be at least 18 years old to join.
- Only one account per member.
- International members are welcome.
- No proxy IP please.
- Must give correct information when completing offers.

Payment Plan:
Minimum payout is $2.00 . Payments will be sent on the 25th of the following month. Example: If you have 10$ in your account on January, you will receive a payment on the 25th of February.

For more information, visit
Get Paid To Complete Offers - High Efficiency Less Error Network Commission Junctions

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